
IMBECILL? by Imbecill [web]

-       Imbecill       - NEW SERVICE: To receive regular biweekly updates on -
-                      - the progress of Windows 95, subscribe to Microsoft's-
-     presentpaket     - WinNews Electronic Newsletter. These updates are    -
-   64k intro called   - e-mailed directly to you, saving you the time and   -
-                      - trouble of checking our WinNews servers for updates.-
-      IMBECILL?       -                                                     -
- released at birdie2k - To subscribe to the Electronic Newsletter, send     -
- (supposed to be      -
-  released last birdie
-  but there never va n+n compo
------------------------ Internet e-mail to [email protected] with   -
- Members of the clan: - the words SUBSCRIBE WINNEWS as the only text in your-
-                      - message.                                            -
- nuke                 -                                                     -
- doctor               - infrared.txt - Inneh+ller information som hj"lper   -
- Succer               - dig att installera och fels"ka infrar"da tj"nster   -
- Olsson               - p+ datorn.                                          -
- Poddlebob            -                                                     -
- rEgnB+GsTga          - http://imbecill.home.ml.org                         -
-                      -                                                     -