
Alive #10 by Alive Team [web]

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Finally its there Alive 10, after only 3 month or Article writing, testing, re-
searching and formatting it's gonna hit the streets. Again we bring you some 
cool releases bundled with Alive. A big thank you too Crazy Q and Evil for
making this possible.

As you might have already noticed Alive 10 comes without an intro, sorry guys
it was not possible to kick something up in this small amount of time. Perhaps
it will work out next time.


- Crazy Q's - Beatbox Mania vol 2 (including a nice intro by DHS)
- Outline Bootsector Sourcecodes by GGN / P01 and Cyclone
- Alive Kolour Tagger Sourcecode by GGN / KÜA Software Productions
- FCOPY DIM 2 ST Image Converter by GGN / KÜA Software Productions
- And for historical reasons Dark Angels MusicMon 1.0 Intro

Like last time, we have included these treasures within the FILEZ folder of 
the disk, check it out!

 Cover Picture ................................................ C-REM / MJJ-Prod
 Shell Graphics  .............................................. C-REM / MJJ-Prod
 Chipmusic #1 "Tubular Crusade"  .......................................... GwEm
 Chipmusic #2 "Chameleon"  ....................................... Crazy Q / DHS
 Chipmusic #3 "Comic Bakery Remix"  .............. Marcer / Atari Legend / Elite
 Protracker 3.16 Module "Booty Call"  ............................ Crazy Q / DHS

 CiH, Moondog, p01, Cyclone, gwEm, GGN, ST Survivor, Sunnyboy, Marcer, ES, ...

 Original Shell Code ............................................ Earx / Lineout
 Shell Debugging and Maintenance ST ......... Grazey / PHF and Cyclone / X-Troll
 Shell Debugging and Maintenance Falcon .................. Pink / Reservoir Gods
 Musicians .......... Crazy Q / DHS and 505 / Checkpoint and Marcer / AL - Elite
 Main Editors ........................ CiH, Cyclone / X-Troll and Moondog / TSCC
 Technical Advisor and Online Issue .......................... Cyclone / X-Troll


 I won't give  you  the emails  of all  the Atarians  involved in this issue, it
 would take too long and I'm sure you  already know them :) Also  for convenient
 purposes we  only use  Cyclones email  so that  we are  sure your  questions or
 comments are read and answered.
 Feedback, new articles, suggestions: ............................ [email protected] 
 Get the latest issue or the previous ones: ............. http://alive.atari.org
 If you have any question, suggestion or just wanna send us feedback, please 
 visit our HQ at http://alive.atari.org/ and drop a line on our FORUM.

Moondog      Thanks again for your articles keep up the good work.

C-Rem        Thanks again for the stunning gfx, dud you rule!

CiH          Hey Chris this time I nearly sitcked to the deadline, 
             thanks for your incredible text output... Btw, where is Elvis in 
             ASCII minor?

gwEm         Nice Articles with CiH, I hope for some YM stuff at the 
             end of the year, a big thank you for "Tubular Crusade"

Marcer       Keep up the work with Atari legend, and thanks a lot 
             for the review and your Remix of "Comic Bakery". Your chiptunes 
             rule ...

P01          Many thanks for the publishing of your bootsector source, 
             hopefully this will help to increase the number of such 
             productions in the future ...

Dark Angel   Thanks for the nice interview and of course for 
             MM2.1, I hope your next hibernation will be shorter than the 
             previous one ...

505          Again it wasn't possible to include "Deskpop" for 
             technical reasons. We will try to fix the falcon replay for the 
             next issue. Anyway thanks for your support.

Crazy Q      Nice mod and Sid tune, thanks a lot man, stay fresh ...

Sunnyboy     Thanks for the article and the steady support in the 
             last issues ...

ST Survivor  Nice to see you are back on track, keep the articles coming ... :)

ggn          finally the guy who never gets greeted in scrolltexts :) 
             Thanks for all the work you invested into this issue, I hope to 
             see a sequel next time

Further thanks go to all visitors of Outline 2005 and the whole scene!

Cyclone / X-Troll for Alive, 2005-05-14