When dreams come home by CPU Love
HEJ HOPP!! fuZzkid is now on the keyb. this is the second try to write an readme because just a minute ago i touched the falc and the powercable was disconnected. So i'm tryi'n again. Well this is the third demo from the cpulove. We don't think its a masterpiece and we apollogize for the bombs in the end. I dont think its such a big deal, for on my loved 4160 STe i have to reset after every single demo. OPUS just said that my 4160 STe was a PC and it ended out in a horrible fight on life and death. Sadly enough OPUS is now dead but his ghost will write som lines soon. this demo is by the way a falcon only demo to be started in stlow. I hope u like som part of it... here comes opus ghost. Phew! What a figt that was.. Lucky for me my brother in law the goat Olaf walked by and spotted my dead body in the mud. He took me to his home in Valhall and reincarnated me and sent me back to Midgaard cause of my holy mission to save the Atari scene in Varmland! OK, this demo was coded in two weeks (the active working) but altogether it took about 1,5 month :-). Wellawellawhop.. Hmm, let's talk about the future... Fuzzkid and i will probably release some small demos and _maybe_ a game under the CPU Love label. But we are now trying to get a bit more serious (it's harder than you can imagine ;-)) and we'll probably continue our holy mission under the COLLAPZE label. Now check if you are in the greetings and then look at the "crappy" demo :-) And contact us as soon as possible at [email protected] xor [email protected] xor [email protected] ! We'd like to greet: (Dead/Alive.. Who cares?) Absence Adrenaline AN Cool (and the rest of TCB) Atari Corp. Aura Avena Checkpoint Dead Hackers Society Digital Chaos DNT Crew DTVM Dune E.K.O EXA FUN Hydroxid I.C.E Inter Lazer Misfits MJJ Prod Mugwumps Mystic Bytes New Beat New Trend No Crew Reservoir Gods Sanity Senior Dads Shadows The Black Lotus Therapy Toons Trio TRSi .tSCc. UDS Wildfire YES Crew And those that i've forgotten. You know if you deserves to be greeted! oPUs personal greetings MALmen, Toodeloo, cal, Shadow, den svenska ordningsmakten, falcoholic all raggers on fp/nobel (i bet they'll never see this anyway), and the ppl i don't have in mind rite now (sorry..). fuzzkid personal greetings mailman h-stone gazel falcoholic mille babic and a few i don't ork to skriv.
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