
Blur by Apathy

Short:    Apathy Presents 'Blur', A 4K intro At KG 2000-1
Author:   Zeeball/Apathy
Uploader: Punisher/Apathy^Darkage^Veezya^Void
Type:     Demo/Euro


           ___   ______ ___  ______ ___    __ __
          /~_ \ /~_   //~_ \/~  __//~ /__ /~ V~/
         /    // ____//    / / /  /  _  /_\_  /
        /__/_//_/    /__/_/ /_/  /__//_//____/ZbL!

           Presents another 4k called:

                      -> BLUR <-

           made by:

           Zeeball/Apathy [[email protected]]

           with music by: 

           unknown musician

Greets from Zeeball fly to: Roover, Evan, Punisher, Strife, Rebel,
                            Error, Tomba and rest...

Requires: Amiga 1200+, xpkSHRI, ptreplay.library

Comments: Another strange intro composed by the megamighty Zeeball :-)
