
dirty old people by Fuel

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    1. contents
    2. introduction
    3. history
    5. requirements
    6. troubleshooting
    7. credits
    8. contact the authors
    9. greets

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    dirty old people was made and presented at wired 96 and since i'm to
    lazy to write a fuckin' intro text, we'll skip it and move on to the

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    it started at wired 96, since we had to keep ourselves busy we decided
    to compete in the 64 kb intro compo with a joke ansi-intro since we're
    involved in the art scene. thrasher started coding, burps started drawing
    speed freak started annoying us and so on. in a few hours we managed to
    finish this intro. our goal was to give the people at wired a great time
    for 2ÿminutes, i think we succeeded. we do NOT have anything against
    gays, oap's or saturne-visitors!

   ÛÛ  ßß ÛÛß    ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ  ßß ÛÛß    ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛß    ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ ßßßßÛÜ

    you'll need a gameboy to occupie yourself during the 'loading' session,
    you can run this baby on your stone age 286 but you should have a vga,
    and some free memory. the keys 'd' 'o' 'p' & enter.

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    1. dop.exe won't execute!

       - you're dumb
       - you're the stupid owner of an amiga

    2. i don't think gays are funny...

       - you're gay
       - you're access (antares)

    3. i'm gay, i want to contact turbo-d...

       - ok, when he's drunk you might get a chance. call the chillout
         zone (+32-16-488373) and leave a message with your most erotic

    4. can i request an ansi?

       - no

    5. i don't hear any sound...

       - you'll need a SF77300turbo v2.0 high quality speaker to hear
         one beep coming through. enjoy!
       - you're deaf

    6. do you guys really think you're funny?

       - erh... no
       - yes (speed freak)

    7. i noticed quite alot of bugs in dop. why did you release this piece
       of shit?

       - bugs?! where... there are no bugs, you need glasses.

    8. i want to be a cheap model too, can i?

       - sure, just have your people call our people, they'll handle it.

    9. what's your next step? a kidrape-tro?

       - good idea!

                            ÜÜ    ÜÜ
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    code : thrasher (fuel/apathy)
    ansi : burps (acid)
    ideas : thrasher, burps, speed freak (triloxy), infinite reboot (triloxy)

    support : the knight (fuel), necrofiliac (fuel)
    victims : turbo-d (cod), skylab (triloxy)

                        ÜÜ                   ÜÜ
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    please write use when you experience any idolization or hate against us,
    you can contact thrasher and burps at our board trauma (+32-16-620922)
    or email thrasher at [email protected] and burps at [email protected]

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    greets go out to:

    fuel, triloxy, acid, apathy, ice, cia (buhahaaha!), rca, the suckers
    who ended on the last place in the 64 kb compo ehehehe, fire, ...

    personal greets:

    burps: whitesnake (man where are you?), thrasher, the knight, necro,
           deepfreez, speed, scratch, neophyte, speed freak, turbo-d,
           sdog, hc, tasmaniac, radman, khz, outkast, o-tron, tosh10,
           tomppa1, starlord, syntax (no offence:), code zero, captain
           hood, sinned, social distortion, tco, ... (and i guess i did
           forget 20 more names, i'm not going to hurt my mind for a
           few stupid greets)

    thrasher: burps, skylab & turbo-d, the knight, deep freezer, necro,
           harass, speed 'greet me please' freak, infinite reboot, neophyte,
           dip (thanks for the book!), scratch, night angel, tasmaniac,
           sleeping dog, voice, nail, kyp, bisonours, zarkof, tna, fluor,
           mass murdrer, outkast, whiteraven, ize, omega-x, creator, starlord,
           dikarpo, ewheat, misfit, trip, bviper... uhm... :)
           and the guy who did that neato sound effect during the intro!
           (who are you!?)

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    ok, ok we did exaggerate with the length of the info file, i guess it's
    even bigger then the intro itself <g> but hey life is a joke too... (eof)

                 oh no! not one of these "still reading?"-jokes

                       stop! stop! stop reading! argghh!

                       ok you win: are you still reading?
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