Maximum by Bear
ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛßÛßÜ ÛßßßÜ ßÜÜßß Û ÛßÛßÜ Û Û ÛßÛßÜ Û Û ÛÜÜÜÛ ÜÜßßÜ Û Û Û ÛÜÜÜß Û Û ù ùùÄ BEAR ÄÄÄÄ ù ð WiRED'96 ð This intro was originally coded for Assembly 95 and after a long distance I release it at the WiRED 96 party. I include full source code (I know that there is nothing new, but it can help someone in first asm lines) bye, Bear Contact: e-mail: [email protected] FIDO: 2:422/81.8 Tel: ++42 7 818557 smail: Michal Lindner Sustekova 15 851 04 Bratislava Slovakia Minimal system: 386SX, VGA, 300kB free base memory, mono display Recommended: 486, faster VGA, color display Source code info:(chaos order) simply timer routines, basic gouraud texture 3D engine(not clipped), mandelbrot, julia, starwars, slimmy bitmap rotation, sinus scroler, font rutines, feather fractal, loofty bitmap P.S.- Sorry, but source is not 100% english;-) Greetings goes to (alphabet order) persons: Axis, Barty(Bluezone), Gurun, Infi, Inty, Ironhawk, Johnko, Laser Harp, Lynx, Moshe, Nop, Panter, Photon, Rage, Sal, Samael, Scape, Skywalker, Vic, Voomie, Vox, WWW, Zden, jCall groups: MiST, Nooon, Psychic Link, Purge, SiN, Sunrise software, Vahalla
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