
biologic by Veezya [web]

          .                                                      .
          .    ___.     .____   .____     _.__  __ .      _.     .
        ..:.. |   ||\__/||  / _/||  /   ___|_/_/  ||\_  ___|\_ ..:..
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        :       \_||_||_|---|/|_|---|/|__|--|/ _\_|| ||_|--|_|     :
    - --------------------------------------- |/---|_| --------------- -
      . :    .                  .                            km!k0 : .
      . .  _/|___    .  . __  _/|       . __    __ .    .  . __    . .
     .:... | |\__\__/|_/||__\_| |     _/||__\__/ _||\__/|_/||_/   ...:.
 .: :::::: | |  / || || |  / || |  .__| |  / ||_ \_| || || | ___. :::::: :.
     :     |_|-/__||_||_|-/__||_|--|_/|_|-/__| _\_|| ||_||_|-\__|     :
 - ------------------------------------------ |/---|_| ------------------ -
     :                                                                :
     .  VEEZYA presents BIOLOGIC 64kb amiga INTRO for SYMPHONY 2003!  .

    | full credits ....... || |

     binaries ------------- embeat
     graphics / 3d -------- darklight
     music ---------------- curtcool / depth (thanks pal!)
     additional 3d stuff -- otton
     support -------------- kempy

    | requirements ....... || |

     cpu ------------------ 020+ ( 040/060 mostly preffered )
     fpu ------------------ yes
     memory --------------- 18 mb of fast ( sorry... )
     video ---------------- true pal + aga

    | important .......... || |

     please remove any soft please remove any soft please remove any soft
     kicked rom  from  your kicked rom  from  your kicked rom  from  your
     fast memory! otherwise fast memory! otherwise fast memory! otherwise
     intro  will  lose  its intro  will  lose  its intro  will  lose  its
     synchronization! so... synchronization! so... synchronization! so...
     intro  also  does  not intro  also  does  not intro  also  does  not
     work perfectly on uae! work perfectly on uae! work perfectly on uae!
     (texture-mapping bugs) (texture-mapping bugs) (texture-mapping bugs)

     oxypatcher recommended oxypatcher recommended oxypatcher recommended

    | dedication ......... || |

     profesorek  nerwosolek profesorek  nerwosolek profesorek  nerwosolek
     i  jego  niezastapiona i  jego  niezastapiona i  jego  niezastapiona
     gospodyni entymologia! gospodyni entymologia! gospodyni entymologia!

    | comments ........... || |

     and again our lazyness and again our lazyness and again our lazyness
     caused  this   delayed caused  this   delayed caused  this   delayed
     intro ( supposed to be intro ( supposed to be intro ( supposed to be
     released   year  ago ) released   year  ago ) released   year  ago )
     finally   appears   on finally   appears   on finally   appears   on
     your  screen.   it  is your  screen.   it  is your  screen.   it  is
     still   in   sort   of still   in   sort   of still   in   sort   of
     beta-stage,   but   we beta-stage,   but   we beta-stage,   but   we
     don't   have    enough don't   have    enough don't   have    enough
     time  or motivation to time  or motivation to time  or motivation to
     finish  it  in   right finish  it  in   right finish  it  in   right
     way.  as  always coder way.  as  always coder way.  as  always coder
     shown   his   "ooops!, shown   his   "ooops!, shown   his   "ooops!,
     there's  only  2  days there's  only  2  days there's  only  2  days
     to party?  i should do to party?  i should do to party?  i should do
     something"   syndrome. something"   syndrome. something"   syndrome.
     anyway,   enjoy  this  anyway,   enjoy  this  anyway,   enjoy  this
     small exec!  and don't small exec!  and don't small exec!  and don't
     let old but kewl mc68k let old but kewl mc68k let old but kewl mc68k
     ameeeega platform die! ameeeega platform die! ameeeega platform die!

     there   were  not  any there   were  not  any there   were  not  any
     insects injured during insects injured during insects injured during
     demo   making!   maybe demo   making!   maybe demo   making!   maybe
     except   some  alcohol except   some  alcohol except   some  alcohol
     experiments, so that's experiments, so that's experiments, so that's
     why all insects behave why all insects behave why all insects behave
     a   bit  strange  (our a   bit  strange  (our a   bit  strange  (our
     personal  favourite is personal  favourite is personal  favourite is
     this  weird  and crazy this  weird  and crazy this  weird  and crazy
     swimming   butterfly). swimming   butterfly). swimming   butterfly).

    | contact ............ || |

     embeat --------------- [email protected]
     darklight ------------ [email protected]
     kempy ---------------- [email protected] / [email protected]

    | commercial ......... || |

     we are looking for new we are looking for new we are looking for new
     members around planet, members around planet, members around planet,
     especially  for coders especially  for coders especially  for coders
     and graphicians.  also and graphicians.  also and graphicians.  also
     support  for  our pack support  for  our pack support  for  our pack
     "embrion" is  welcome. "embrion" is  welcome. "embrion" is  welcome.
     contact  kempy to  get contact  kempy to  get contact  kempy to  get
     more  detailed  infos! more  detailed  infos! more  detailed  infos!

    | swampburgers for ... || |

     amnesty -------------- amnesty -------------- amnesty --------------
     apathy --------------- apathy --------------- apathy ---------------
     appendix ------------- appendix ------------- appendix -------------
     contraz -------------- contraz -------------- contraz --------------
     decree --------------- decree --------------- decree ---------------
     depth ---------------- depth ---------------- depth ----------------
     dual crew & shining -- dual crew & shining -- dual crew & shining --
     encore --------------- encore --------------- encore ---------------
     energy --------------- energy --------------- energy ---------------
     gods ----------------- gods ----------------- gods -----------------
     iris ----------------- iris ----------------- iris -----------------
     kangooroo ------------ kangooroo ------------ kangooroo ------------
     madwizards ----------- madwizards ----------- madwizards -----------
     nah-kolor ------------ nah-kolor ------------ nah-kolor ------------
     nature --------------- nature --------------- nature ---------------
     oxygen64 ------------- oxygen64 ------------- oxygen64 -------------
     potion --------------- potion --------------- potion ---------------
     radiator ------------- radiator ------------- radiator -------------
     reason --------------- reason --------------- reason ---------------
     scarab --------------- scarab --------------- scarab ---------------
     whelpz --------------- whelpz --------------- whelpz ---------------
     void ----------------- void ----------------- void -----------------
     zenon ---------------- zenon ---------------- zenon ----------------

    | banana shakes for .. || |

     darkage -------------- darkage -------------- darkage --------------
     ephidrena ------------ ephidrena ------------ ephidrena ------------
     industry ------------- industry ------------- industry -------------
     loonies -------------- loonies -------------- loonies --------------
     mankind -------------- mankind -------------- mankind --------------
     mature furk ---------- mature furk ---------- mature furk ----------
     pas maters ----------- pas maters ----------- pas maters -----------
     push ent. ------------ push ent. ------------ push ent. ------------
     rave network overscan  rave network overscan  rave network overscan
     spaceballs ----------- spaceballs ----------- spaceballs -----------
     the black lotus ------ the black lotus ------ the black lotus ------
     up rough ------------- up rough ------------- up rough -------------

  biotech is godzilla ... ..

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                  w e  . g o t  . y o u r  . m e s s a g e

                 d r u n k .  d r a g o n f l y  . a t t a x