quat by Hardread [web]
______ _______ _____ ______ ) /_______)__ /___) \_______) / _/ _ ______ / /_____/______ / \____/ /\_____\______/\___________\____\ \ \ ______ _______ ______ __ ______) \__) __/______)__ /_____) / __ _____/ ( _) /_____/ ___/ ______ /______ / ) \_____ _) \__\_____/\ \_____\_____\_______ \____\__/ (_ \___________________\ /__________________/ __)__________________________________________________________(__ \___________/_/__________________________________\_\___________/ | | \_ [ QUAT ] _/ __|_____________________________________________ _ __________|__ _)_________ ___ ___ _________(_ \__________\__\__\_______[ RELEASE INFO ]_______/__/__/__________/ | | | A small Linux 4k, that introduces the world of a real- | | time morphing and rotating quaternion. No sound at all. | | Requires SDL and nothing else except you to watch. | | | \_ Coded by pohar. Feel free to contact me at _/ | my email address: [email protected] | __|_____________________________________________ _ __________|__ _)_________ ___ ___ _________(_ \__________\__\__\_______[ GREETINGS ]_______/__/__/__________/ | | | FRESH!MINDWORKZ + INQUISITION + DILEMMA + MOLECOOLA | | | \_ UMLAUT DESIGN + DIGITAL DYNAMITE + UNITED FORCE _/ | | |____________ ________________________________ ____________| )___________// \\___________( /______ [ HARDREAD 2oo3 ] ______\ )______________________________________(
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