
New Year Textro by Overlook

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       │      --==>> Overlook Information  [31/12/1994] <<==--        │
       |  ·∙∙--───═════════════════════════════════════════───---∙∙·  |
       :       --==>> OVERLOOK -- Russian demo factory <<==--         :
       ∙                                                              ∙

       │  1.  Introduction  │

          1. ..... Introduction
          2. ..... Release information
          3. ..... All Overlook members  //  How to become an Overlook member
          4. ..... Released stuff
          5. ..... Commercial demos
          6. ..... Distribution sites // How to become an Overlook
                   distribution site
          7. ..... Future projects
          8. ..... How to contact with us
          9. ..... Greetings

       │  2.  Release information  │

         :((( I was in a bad mud on 31/12/94 and decide to send greets
         and wishes to everyone, but I have no time to code a real
         New Year intro or demo (coz it was near 19:00 on 31/12/94!!),
         so I decide to code a simple gfx textfile viewer :) - coz its
         much better to read a textro than to view shitty textfile in
         that NC or Windows. So that textro was coded in an hour, and
         two hours was spend on writing ALL greets and texts to everyone
         personally :) Yeah, just enter your name at the start of that
         textro and go to 14th page - if you'll be found in textro's
         database - you'll receive your personal greets from me :)

         And yeah, I know, there are some bugs, but I've already said you
         that the New Year is coming soon (in an hour!!!) so I have no
         time to clear them off - I think that you may forgive me for
         them :))
         So that textro requires:
             -  a 286+ machine (386 recommended =);
             -  a VGA compatible card =) with 256+Kb memory;
             -  200Kb free RAM;
             -  any soundcard (NONE/GUS/PAS/WSS/SB).

         Yeah, and I'd like to congratulate you and wish you Happy New
         1995 Year! Even If I dont know you :) I'd like to wish you
         all that you want yourself :) and wish you all you dreams
         come true in 1995!  I'd like to send my best wishes personally
         to the following guys and girls 8:) :

                Maria Jefimova (Bloody Mary)
                Maxim Axenov (Battle Master)
                Dmitry Teplitsky (ICE Lord) and his wife Oksana
                Andrei Sctcherbakov (PAS Hacker)
                Alexey Petrovsky (Sire Gongofer)
                Victor Poryadin (The Manhunter)
                Denis Dawydow (Sly Fox) and his girlfriend Vika
                Igor Polivin (Night Angel)
                Dmitry Zhukov (Azhu Samtrest)
                Victor Belov (ScreamMan)
                Dmitry Altukhov (Dreamwalker)
                Alexander Tsouper (Night Breaker)
                Vladimir Troyanovsky (Abbot Dervish)
                Alex Kozlov (Qlex)
                Alexey Kopernick (NowhereMan)
                Petr Ulanov (GateKeeper)
                Vladimir Tokmakov (Vovec)
                Ivan Kroykov (Lord Jecksom)
                Anton Zolotusky (Evil Rider)
                Alex Zelinsky (Greenman)
                Vasily Rabiza (Violator)
                Alex Iliynsky (Starder)
                Alex Frolov (Jim Morrison)
                Sergey Lysov (Drunkie)
                Fedor Ashanin (Uncle Fedor) and his wife Ludmila

                Christopher G. Mann (Snowman)
                Yaka // Xography
                Darkness // Imphobia/Cascada
                Zodiak // Imphobia/Cascada
                Fear // Mental Design

         and all other guys, whom I forgot, and all other guys, whom
         I dont know - maybe we'll meet in that new 1995 year!

                      I wish you happiness and luck!
                          My best wishes to you!
                              C ya in 1995!

       │  3.  All Overlook members  //  How to become an Overlook member  │
           Realname           Age       Occupation            Alias
    - --──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────--- -
       Oleg Gamayunoff         20   organiser, coder       Steel Rat
       Maxim Axenov            20   artist                 Battle Master
       Victor Belov            18   musician               ScreamMan
    - --──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────--- -

         Now we are searching for cool graphicians and musicians, so if
         you could help us -- please contact your local Overlook HQ.

       │  4.  Released stuff  │

         OVERLOOK was organised in autumn of 1993, and there were some
         releases like intros, mods and tools, but at 01/06/94 it was
         disbanded and now we decide to start it from zero (6 members
         leave us and 1 new members joined - so here are only 3 guys
         wanna to do something)...

         Since 01/11/94:

           Filename     Size       Date           Description
    - --──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────--- -
         NYTEXTRO.ZIP   113330   31-12-94   New Year Textro - Steel Rat's
                                            personal greets gfx textfile
    - --──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────--- -

       │  5.  Commercial demos  │

         We do not accept any commercial projects...  But...  Try to
         contact us -- maybe we can offer you something :)

       │  6.  Distribution sites // How to become an Overlook dist. site  │
            Board name           Status        Phonenumber       Worktime
   - --───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────--- -
       Lost In Time [Node #1]  World HQ      +7-095-952-6570    00:00-09:00
       Lost In Time [Node #2]  World HQ      +7-095-CLOSED4NOW     -----
       Beauty and the Beast    Russia HQ     +7-095-245-1962    23:00-07:00
       ICE Palace              Dist. Site    +7-095-913-9641        24h
   - --───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────--- -
                    [* all boards worktime shown in MSK/GMT+3 *]

        Overlook is looking for headquarter or distribution sites all
        around the world in order to spread all our latest releases.
        If you are ready to support us and you have a well-known demo
        oriented board, fill the current application and upload it to
        your nearest Overlook HQ or send it to Steel Rat (coder, orga-
        niser) via e-mail to [email protected].
 <------------------------------[cut here]------------------------------------>

            │  OVERLOOK HQ/Distribution Site application form  │

 Board name            [..................................................]
 Board phone number(s) [+...(...)............................]
 Brand of modem        [.....................]
 Maximum baudrate      [...........]
 Online storage        [...........]
 Board software used   [.....................]
 How many Nodes ?     [......]      HD size ?  [.......Mb]
 How many users ?     [......]
 How many LD users ?  [......]

 What networks do you currently support? :

 What groups are affilated with your BBS? :

                      │  Personal/SysOp information  │

 Your handle       : [..............................]
 Real name         : [......................................]
 Group(s)          : [......................................]
 Voice number      : [......................]
 Street address    : [................................................]
 Zip code/city     : [................................................]
 Country           : [............................]

 What can you offer to our group ?:

 <------------------------------[cut here]------------------------------------>

       │  7.  Future projects  │

          You'll hear about them soon.....

       │  8.  How to contact with us  │

          Call our boards or contact Oleg Gamayunoff (Steel Rat) via:

               phone:    +7-095-952-6570
               e-mail:   [email protected]
                         [email protected]
                         [email protected]
               ovrnet:   115:3042/1
               fidonet:  2:5020/198.2, 2:5020/323.2, 2:5020/208.18
               cabinet:  112:921/950.18
               gsn:      864:7/1

       │  9.  Greetings  │

         No greets right now - coz all greets are sent in the textro :)
                             So go and read it now!

 ----------------------------------------------=>Done by Steel Rat // OVR'94<=-