
Mentality by Mental Design

    ______/                                         _       _     /
    \_____    _  _   __    _____/ ___     \    _____/ _     /    /
	/     / /    /    _____/    /     /    \     /     /    /_____
       /     / /    /    /    /    /     /     /   __     /    /     /
      /     / /    /   _/    /    /     /     /    /     /   _/     /
     /     / /    /         /    /     /     /    /     /          /
     \   _/_/____/ \___    /____/     /_    /____/     /____      /
    ==\  /============ \  /=====\  __/==\  /=====\  __/=====\  __/======
       \/ D E S I G N!  \/       \/      \/       \/         \/        

				  = PRESENTS =
				     /   \
				    /  _  \
___________________________________/  /_\  \____________________________________
    __  __     ______    _____ _________  _____  ___     ___ _________ ___ ___
   /  \/  \   / ____ \  /     \\___    / /___  \ \  \    \  \\___    //  //  /
  /        \ / ______/_/   |   \__/   / /  __   \ \  \____\  \  /   //  //  /
 /___/\/\___\\_____________|_________/  \_______/  \______\\__\/___/ \__   /
_   _  _ _ ____________________________________________________________/  /
_   _  _ _ _____________________________________________________________ /
___________________________   ___________________   __________________________
\_________________________/  /\_________________/\  \________________________/  
			 /  /_/_________________\_\  \

System requirements:

       Processor: 386 class
	  Memory: 500 Kb
Graphics adapter: VGA

Recommended configuration:

       Processor: 486DX 33MHz
	  Memory: 630 Kb
Graphics Adapter: Local-bus VGA
    Sound system: Sound Blaster Pro 


This dentro has taken a long time to finish. Mainly because the coders have been
very busy studying or have been tied up in other projects. Finally we are 
releasing it and all we can say is: What crap! 
These routines are so old and boring that we seriously thought about not 
releasing this dentro at all. But here it is. The first production from 
Mental Design. 


Isn't this the demo by Extreme that participated in Assembly'93 and got
fifth place?

- Yes and No. Shortly after Assembly 6 members decided to quit Extreme and form
a new group. The group was called Mental Design. As Exterminate was mainly coded
by MD members we took our parts from it, did some redesigning and added 
a few new parts. As a matter of fact there's not much left of the old demo. 
The gfx and music are all redone. Old code has been optimized, new code has
been added etc.


You can run the borntro with several switches. For an online help, just write
MENTAL /help (actually you can write anything that isn't a valid switch and 
you'll get the helptext). 

The following switches are available:

/DOTWEAK or /DT               -         Do Tweak.
/NOSOUND or /NS               -         No Sound 
/SPEED=##,##,## or /SP=#,#,#  -         Speed Setting.
/SHOWSPEED or /SS             -         Show Speed

Let's explain the switches:


If your computer is NOT fast enough, or doesn't have enough free memory (630kb)
the fractalzoomer will NOT run fullscreen in 320x200x256 mode. 
If you use the /DT switch the fractalzoomer will, however, still run full-
screen. This is achieved by using lower resolutions.
Unfortunately not all videocards support these resolutions (160x100 and 160x200
respectively), and hence we decided to enable them only if the /DT switch 
is used. 


Selects no sound and skips the sound setup.

/SPEED=##,##,## or /SP=##,##,##

A selftest will determine the speed of your videocard, your processor and your
main memory. It will use these speed indexes to select resolutions (fractal-
zoomer), levels of detail (ifs morpher) etc. 
The speed testing routine has been successfully tested on various computers, 
and seems to reflect system performance quite well. By adding the /SP switch
to the command line we have, however, given the user a chance to choose
any performance figures he wants. This is useful if the speedtester gives
incorrect figures or if the user wants to see a full-blown version of the
demo on a slow computer.
/SP=50,50,50 will give maximum detail and resolutions
The meaning of the ## signs are (from the left):
Cpu speed, video speed and memory speed


Displays the result of the speedtester before starting the demo. 

Mental Design - what is that?

Mental Design is a group formed by 6 ex-members of Extreme + 1 Englishman.
We are all guys studying at various places and in various countries, but we've
got the same goal... to Have fun. (...NOT..to make $$$ )

Members of Mental Design are:

NiK              (Niko Sipilä) - Gfx                (Finland)
Dune             (Lassi Nikko) - Music              (Finland)
Wizard      (Tancred Lindholm) - Coding             (Finland)
Moleql        (Tommy Staffans) - Coding             (Finland)
FeaR         (Jakob Lindström) - Coding, Organizing (Finland)
DarkHorse       (David Hedley) - Coding             (England)
VectorVoyager (Jonas Eriksson) - Coding             (Sweden)

Contact us!

We are interested in getting contacts. If You want to contact Mental Design 
because of any reason, may it be Business or Pleasure, you can contact us by
the following methods:


FeaR / Mental Design 
PL 2 
SF-02701 Kauniainen


[email protected]


Soul Asylum
16.8k HST DS
24h - SysOp: Fear


Our widely spread diskmagazine will continue to come out every now and then. 
A steady date will soon be set for next issue, but remember.. we need your
articles, adverisments, VOTES and contributions.

There should be online voting on all our distributions sites. So call them and

Dist Sites

Invalid Enviroment    Lemming                     +358-41-666715
Genius                Jussi Heino       node 1    +358-21-827419
				        node 2    +358-21-827183
Genesis               McGarret, Darkness,         4 node ringdown
		      Void Master, Madflight      +32-(0)2-245-3498
PowerGrid             GridRunner & Syntax Error   +1-813-481-6539

Enjoy the demo,

22.12.1993 7:00pm,


(Some quick typo checking & additional text by Wizard)