
The Sierpinski Overdose by KÜA software productions

                         @@@  @@@   @@@  @@@   @@@@@@
                         @@@  @@@   @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@
                         @@!  @@@             @@!  @@@
                         @@!  !@@   !@!  @!@  !@!  @!@
                         @!@@!@     @!@  !@!  @!@!@!@!
                         !!@!!!     !@!  !!!  !!!@!!!!
                         !!:  :!!   !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!
                         :!:   !:!  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!
                          ::   :::  ::::: ::  ::   :::
                          :    :::   : :  :    :   : :
                  ___  ___  ___  ____  _  __  __ ____  ___   ___
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                (_  )/ / // _/   / /  |       // _  //  \/ / _)
               (___/(___/(_/    (_/   |__/\__/(_/(_/(_/\_)(___)
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           / _ )/  o) /   )(    )/ ) / )/ __)(_  _)(  _)/   )/\/ )/ __)
          / __//  \/ / / /_/ / // (_/ // (    / / _/ / / / //   /(_  )
         (_/  (_/\_)(___/(____/(_____/(___)  (_/ (___)(___/(_/\/(___/


                               a 4K intro by GGN


                            The Sierpinski overdose
               (a short study of the Sierpinski triangle in 4K)

                      Comments and thoughts on this demo
      Hello   and welcome to another KüA software productions  demo!   It   was
high time I created a "standard" info file. (I was too bored to study for exams
today :-). I think I failed miserably.
      Firstly,  I  should answer the question you should be  asking  yourselves
after studying (aaaaarrrggghh!  not that word again ;-) the fact sheet below (a
thing you shouldn't normally do,   except if you were tired of reading and only
read  that,  and  then  at a latter date opened the file to read it again   -oh
shit,   somebody stop me,   what the hell am I saying here???   :-) :   Why the
hell did it take me more than 7 months to develop?
     Well,   it's not as easy for me to answer that,   but I'll give it a shot:
It was about May or June of the last year that I decided to get off my butt and
do  something  for the Atari scene.   The fruits of this effort was a 128  byte
intro  (again with the Sierpinski triangle on it).  Now,  picture this (if  you
may):  Here I  was,   a  guy from Greece,  with no past Atari contacts  abroad.
I  was  just beginning to discover the "new" Atari scene (as the newest demo  I
had was  dated back in 1991!). Where should I send it?
      At that time I had downloaded some recent Maggie issues (24  or  25).   I
was  astonished  that  Maggie  stil  existed (I thought it stopped   at   issue
11  or something).   After  gathering  some courage,   I sent the intro,  along
with   an article explaining (roughly) how the intro  worked,   to  CiH.  Chris
seemed  to  like  it  then,   and asked me what other projects  I  had  in  the
      At   that  time I had the idea of doing a (longer) 4K  version  of   that
intro (if I could do it in 118 bytes,   why not in 4K?).   So I sent him a  90%
finished version.  He then replied that he liked it also,  but I didn't have to
restrict myself to 4K for the Maggie intro!!!  He thought that the 4K intro was
intended for Maggie.
     Instead  of  replying "Sorry Chris,   but you've got it mixed up  a   bit"
I  promised I would code another intro for Maggie.   So,   I suspended  the  4K
intro,  finished  exams,   went on holiday,   and started on the Maggie  intro,
which  was finshed at the start of November.
      While   I  was coding the Maggie intro,   DHS  announced  the   Christmas
compo.  After  finishing the Maggie intro and sending it to Chris  (along  with
some   other  stuff),   I  rested for about a week,  and then  started  on  the
Christmas compo, but I didn't make the deadline.
      The situation,   as of now (If you've lost it somewhere along the  lines)
is:  The  128-byte intro,  the Maggie #28 intro,  the Christmas intro and  this
intro are now  complete.   As of yet,  Maggie #28 still isn't released  (Chris,
if  you're reading this: Gey busy!).
      What   about the intro itself?   Well,   if you had a  look  already,   I
cannot  comment  any futrher.   The main code was written in about  30  minutes
based  upon the  philosophy  of:  "Since  it  runs at 50 fps,  I don't  give  a
shit   about optimising  it".   Another point that should be mentioned here  is
that I'm  NEVER messing around with med-rez stuff again!   (too bored to  write
the   reasons  now  :-)  As  I  said in the 128  byte  intro  text  (which  you
propably haven't  read  because Maggie  isn't  out yet),   I -still- don't know
the  maths to  draw  a  Sierpinski triangle!!!    If you're interested  in  the
source or how the  code  works,   just  drop me an e-mail.   I have no  problem
revealing  my secrets.  (as long as you admit  I was there first)

      Oh well,   I think I bored you enough already.   I won't  write  anything
else  for  now,   except for some quick greetings to:   DHS (when I  sent   the
Christmas  intro   to  Evil,   the DHS site was  updated  within  10   minutes!
Awesome!),  Cream (Tao, thanks again for letting me use your tune in the Maggie
intro  -  it gave it the class the code is missing :-)  Waiting  anxiously  for
"Heftig"...),  Teenage (I hope  Kweek  will have a single player option.  Where
could  I  find  another  STE owner in Greece ;-( Also,  where  is  my  Crackman
scores in your site?)

      (Oh,   before   I  forget again,   some credits I forgot  giving  on  the
previous intros:   On the Maggie intro,   the scripting idea was borrowed  from
Tat (I  said BORROWED,  not STOLEN!  I merely had a look for 10-20 seconds at a
source for an intro he released,  and then went ahead and wrote  mine!).  Also,
the principle for the  sowtware sprites was by Tat again (this time,   I read a
short article  from him  in  http://www.avena.com).   Anyway,  if  you  pressed
ALT-HELP  when  the backgrouond faded out in that intro,  you should have  read
it there.)

                  Update (oh, Christ, what does he want now?)

     Well, since that text was written, some things have changed (as you may've
     For starters, Maggie #28 was released (!), and I hope I didn't bore you to
death with my contributions (STE people only,  I'm afraid).  Also, I would like
to  congratulate anyone who had the courage to load up his  favorite  assembler
and make an executable version of the 128byter I coded and explained  there.  I
was  just as surprised as most of you were not finding an  executable  version,
while I mentioned in the text that there was one!  As I recall,  I sent Chris a
zip file with the .PRG,  the text AND the source code!  I e-mailed him after  I
found this and he said it was a honest mistake. Shall I forgive him kids? Well,
whatahell: You are officially forgiven for not including all the files Chris!
     This  demo  (and  text) was completed and ready to be  sent  to  Evil  for
release (as I'm a lazy sod who can't even make his own www page).  The fact  is
that  I  sent  it to Evil at [email protected],  but  he  never  replied  or
released  it.  Then  I  saw in the DHS site that his  address  has  changed  to
[email protected].  I sent him a mail there too (I'm 99% sure!), but didn't get a reply
either!  Being  the polite and shy (and modest!) guy that I am,  plus I  didn't
want  to be a bother to a man that has so many projects on his mind and does  a
hell of a job on his www site,  I dedided to release this demo somewhere  else.
But where?
     At first,  I thought I should se up my own web page and release it  there.
But,  as I don't have a radical and new idea of how my web page will look  like
(yet),  and fearing that it wouldn't look that good,  I suspended that project.
Then (like Deus ex Machina) came the invitro for SIliventure 2000 which  stated
that  anyone could participate in the compos,  even if he didn't show  up!  (hi
Grey!). The rest is....

                                KüA Fact sheet
         Name: The Sierpinski overdose: a stydy of the Sierpinski triangle in 4K
         Type: 4 KB intro
      Version: 1.0
       Format: PRG executable
 Size of demo: 3810 bytes
      Code by: GGN of KüA software productions
       Gfx by: None (font from Crackart)
     Music by: None
   Frames/sec: 50 (99% of all instances - mabye you won't notice)
Time taken to
      develop: 230 days (approx. 7.66 months)
         From: 04/06/1999 20:50
           To: 22/01/2000 01:48
Software used: Turbo Assembler v1.7 (code), GFA BASIC 3.50E (sin table), 
               Crackart v1.3 (font)
  Packed with: Pack Ice 2.40
  it will run
           on: All machines equipped with a Blitter (tested only on a STE)
  it will run
           on: None currently I'm afraid (something for v1.1 perhaps)
  Approved by: Jubanka (my bro), Stoned of TiS, Michel and Ilias of KüA
 Dedicated to: My broken 'Help' key =-(
  address(es): GGN: [email protected]

                                                              Have fun,

                                  Final word
                         "Who watches the Watchmen?"