
breath by Mystic Bytes [web]

   the still breathing...                     _______________\      |
                                              \_.   /               |
             ___.                               |  //               |
            /   |                         .___. |                   :
   ._____  /    |______  _____ ___________|   |_____    ____    _________
   |     \/     |      \/    /_\  ____/__     .____/__._\__/____\  .____/__
   |     /      |       \   /_______.    \    |/      |       /_   |       \
   |  \         |______    /       \|     \           |         \  |        \
   |___\  /|____|   /_____/_______________/___________|_________/___________/
   <<== \/.____ = === ========== .___. ============================== === ==>>
    sK!mB |   /_____________  ___|_  |_____    ________     __________
          |          \      \/    /  .____/__._\  ____/__  _\    ____/__
          |   |       \      \   /   |/      |   ____|   \/________.    \
          |   |       /_____    /            |   \|       \       \|     \
          |__________/   /_____/ \___________|____________/______________/
          <<======== M   y   s   t   i   c  =   b   y   t   E   s =======>>
                                                |____               :
                                                    /             ╜ |

                             b e l i e v e   t h a t         

                even a single... 

           ::::::::::::::::            ___\ /___
           ::            ::      ______\       /______
_   _ __ ________________________\                   /__________________
   .____   ::          ______.          breath         ______.         /___ _
   |   /_______   _____\     |________     _ __ _______\     |____.
   |      _   /___\      _   |   ____/____.___________        /   |______
   |     |/     |    /    ___|  ____|     |_______\   \      |    |      |
   |_____       |__  \     \    \|        |      _     \     |    :      |
        /_________/___\_____\_____________|___   \|     \____|____|______|
           ::            ::            <<---- |_________/ ---->>      sK!

                                         ...can hold back LIFE  

      /   |_______  ___.    ______ _________________   .___________  _____
     /    |       \/___|___/  ___/_\___  ___/       \__|  _    \_  \/    /
    /              \     |_____      \    |/       \  \        _/__     /
                              h  i  s  t  o  r  y

      after total  laziness  and sucking vodka-bottles at the parties for 
      hundreds of weeks, the staggering mystic butts got to the stampede.     
      after  the  hangovers left our bodies  and  the  horrible  pain was 
      leaving  our heads  we suddenly noticed there is less than 2 months 
      to the eil '99. "damn.. not too much time  to release  a demo which 
      would compete with all the others" we thought. we know this release 
      is pretty delayed already. 'breath' was  announced a few months ago 
      and some ppl saw a very early preview at the  interjam '98. "so why 
      the hell has it taken such a long time?" 'coz it has  been 100% re-
      written. anyway,  while we are here,  we would like to apologise to 
      all  ppl who  contributed  to our production  and had to wait  such 
      a long time. 

      sorry pals, we hope you enjoy the final result at least!

          'Breath' is a mutli-part demo made by the following chaps:


                  sqward  [ code^dzn ]          tao  [ msx ]
                     mdm  [ code^dzn ]   simon king  [ asc ]
                    grey  [ dezign ]    st survivor  [ gfx ]         

          /   |
 ._____  /    |
 |     \/     | ________   ___  ___   ___.      ________  .______    ______
 |     /      _/   ____/__/   \/   \_/   |_____/   ____/__|  _   \__/  ___/__
 |  \         \   ---|   \     \    \       \ \   ---|   \       _/_____     \
 |___\  /|_____\__________\____\_____\_________\__________\__|\____\__________\
 <<== \/ ====================================================================>>
                              m  e  m  b  e  r  s

           SQWARD -  code [falcon]         MOONWALKER -  gfx [falcon]

              MdM -  code [st]             SIMON KING -  ascii [pc]

           MODRED -  code [st]                    XTD -  msx [a1200]

                        GREY -  swap^organizer [falcon]              

 |      __   \________   ____       ________    ______    ______    ________
 |          _/   ____/__/   |______/   ____/___/   _  \__/  ___/___/   ____/_
 |    \     \   ---|   \    |     \   ---|   \     |   \_____     \   ---|   \
                            r  e  l  e  a  s  e  s

                'surprise!'   4ktro [fo3o] - november '97
                'maggie 25'   intro [fo3o] - march '98
                  'timeout'    demo [fo3o] - 1st place at InterJam '98
           'surprise remix'   4ktro [fo3o] - 1st place at InterJam '98
                 'teardrop'    demo [fo3o] - 1st place at QuaST '98
                     'fury'   4ktro [fo3o] - released at QuaST '98
            'virtual dream'   4ktro [fo3o] - september '98
            'smc volume #1'   colly [fo3o] - december '98 
            'ascii painter'    tool [st/f] - december '98 
                   'breath'    demo [st/e] - error in line '99

        /   .____/__  ._______   ________   _______________________
       /    |____   \_|   _   \_/   ____/__/   ____/___  ___/  ___/__
      /         /    \        _/   ---|   \   ---|   \    |_____     \
                          g  r  e  e  t  i  n  g  s

         we are greatful to all the ppl who helped us with this demo 
             our thanks 2:

                 Sebastien Larnac a.k.a. ST SURVIVOR / LOUD!
                              (for toony pics!)                        

                      Frank Seemann a.k.a. TAO / CREAM
                           (for a gr8 chip-tune!)
               respect to the following st/falcon demo-crews...

  checkpoint;  cobra;  collapze;  comic pirates;  cream;  depression;  dhs;  
 dune;  escape;  foundation two;  fun;  idemline;  maggie team;  mind design;  
     no future;  loud!;  nature;  nbd;  oxygene;  pandemonium;  paranoia;  
   poets of decay;  popsy team;  reservoir gods;  satantronic;  sector one;  
 syntax;  teenage;  trio;  tnb;  tscc;  typhoon;  und99;  wildfire;  yescrew

            ...and all ze others keepin' st/falcon scene alive!

   /   .____/__  _______    ______________________    _________________
  /    |       \/       \__/      \___  ___/   _  \__/   .___/___  ___/
 /     |        \      \  \    |    \    |     |    \    |     \    |sK!mB
 <<============================================ /   |      \==/     ____/__=>>
             c  o  n  t  a  c  t   u  s        /    |       \/________.    \
                                              /     |        \       \|     \

    [ MOONWALKER ]              [ MODRED ]               [ SQWARD ]
   Marcin Dworaczek          Piotr Holonowicz           Mariusz Buras
   ul. Rynek 2a/10           ul. Kamienskiego 45/5      ul. Hallera 68/26
   43-180 Orzesze            51-124 Wroclaw             41-200 Sosnowiec
   POLAND                    POLAND                     POLAND
   no e-mail!                e-mail:                    e-mail:

                             [email protected]        [email protected]                                                          

       [ GREY ]                  [ MdM ]                 [ SIMON KING ]
   Michal Michalowski        Robert Starzycki           Szymon Grabinski
   ul. Goszczynskiego 2/10   ul. Pomorska 57/3          1 A.W. Polskiego 6/10
   80-134 Gdansk             50-217 Wroclaw             89-410 Wiecbork
   POLAND                    POLAND                     POLAND

   e-mail:                   e-mail:                    e-mail:

   [email protected]           [email protected]        [email protected]

   txt  grey/mb
   asc  sk!/mb