
debut by Emperor [web]

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│                                                                             │
│                             Debut - 64k intro                               │
│                                                                             │
│          This is our first 64k intro called Debut. First present            │
│               on the AntIQ'96 party. Released at 1996/08/31.                │
│                                                                             │
│    Credits:                                                                 │
│    ────────                                                                 │
│                         Scoundrel..............Code                         │
│                         AtES...................Code                         │
│                         Laud...................Code                         │
│                         BlAdE...........Objects,Gfx                         │
│                         HoRo..................Muzax                         │
│                                                                             │
│    MemberList:                                                              │
│    ───────────                                                              │
│    Scoundrel : Organizer/Coder         AtES      :           Coder          │
│    BlAdE     : RayTrace/3D/Gfx         Laud      :           Coder          │
│    HoRo      :        Musician         SiViC     :           Coder          │
│    PSoftD    :    SysOp/Swaper         Lear      :        Musician          │
│                                                                             │
│    Contact:                                                                 │
│    ────────                                                                 │
│                PSoftD : [email protected]                             │
│             Scoundrel : [email protected]                       │
│                 SiViC : [email protected]                           │
│                  AtES : [email protected]                               │
│                  Laud : [email protected]                               │
│                                                                             │
│    Main Board:                                                              │
│    ───────────                                                              │
│                         GoodLine BBS                                        │
│                         Emperor World HQ                                    │
│                         SysOp : PSoftD                                      │
│                         OpenTime : 22:00-05:00                              │
│                         +36 96 364-135                                      │
│                                                                             │
│                         BrainCore BBS                                       │
│                         Emperor Distro Site                                 │
│                         SysOp : Craft                                       │
│                         OpenTime : 22:00-06:00                              │
│                         +36 72 461-045                                      │
│                                                                             │
│    Group Greetings to:                                                      │
│    ───────────────────                                                      │
│                         Abaddon                                             │
│                         AstroideA                                           │
│                         Bacteria                                            │
│                         Bi0hazard                                           │
│                         Byteam                                              │
│                         Controlled Dreams                                   │
│                         Criminal Gang                                       │
│                         Digital Creatures                                   │
│                         Dödöm Tím                                           │
│                         Enlightenment                                       │
│                         Majic 12                                            │
│                         pGA                                                 │
│                         The Next Generation                                 │
│                         Shock!                                              │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from Scoundrel:                                          │
│    ───────────────────────────────                                          │
│                         TomCat/Abaddon                                      │
│                         Bandee/Abaddon                                      │
│                         Bert/Criminal Gang                                  │
│                         Tfe/The Next Generation                             │
│                         Larsen/The Next Generation                          │
│                         (TR)/The Next Generation                            │
│                         Forty/The Next Generation                           │
│                         Gora/The Next Generation                            │
│                         Craft/pGA                                           │
│                         Andy/Bacteria                                       │
│                         Gaf/Controlled Dreams                               │
│                         Ritus/Digital Creatures                             │
│                         Rian/Majic 12                                       │
│                         Cubie/Bacteria                                      │
│                         Ervin/Abaddon                                       │
│                         Iron Hawk/Bi0HaZard                                 │
│                         DaLi/Bi0HaZard                                      │
│                         Ninja/Abaddon                                       │
│                         Albino/Enlightenment                                │
│                         Atx/Shock!                                          │
│                         Fernandez/Criminal Gang                             │
│                         Coder-l                                             │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from AtES:                                               │
│    ──────────────────────────                                               │
│                         Kenobi                                              │
│                         Thundercoke                                         │
│                         Pentium                                             │
│                         Cubie/Bacteria                                      │
│                         (TR)/The Next Generation                            │
│                         Larsen/The Next Generation                          │
│                         Forty/The Next Generation                           │
│                         Reptile/AstroideA                                   │
│                         Andy/Bacteria                                       │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from Laud:                                               │
│    ──────────────────────────                                               │
│                         (TR)/The Next Generation                            │
│                         Larsen/The Next Generation                          │
│                         TFE/The Next Generation                             │
│                         CyberSonic/The Next Generation                      │
│                         Forty/The Next Generation                           │
│                         TomCat/Abaddon                                      │
│                         Cubie/Bacteria                                      │
│                         Andy/Bacteria                                       │
│                         Kop                                                 │
│                         Arnold                                              │
│                         Kenobi                                              │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from BlAdE:                                              │
│    ───────────────────────────                                              │
│                         TFE/The Next Generation                             │
│                         Craft/pGA                                           │
│                         Blade/Enlightenment                                 │
│                         Kal/AstroideA                                       │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from HoRo:                                               │
│    ──────────────────────────                                               │
│                         All musician                                        │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from PSoftD:                                             │
│    ────────────────────────────                                             │
│                         Zeta                                                │
│                         Craft/pGA                                           │
│                         Gibson/pGA                                          │
│                         Forty/The Next Generation                           │
│                         Mondhur/Hydra BBS                                   │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from SiViC:                                              │
│    ───────────────────────────                                              │
│                         Kuti Laszlo/West-Trade                              │
│                         Paal David & Feco/DMS                               │
│                         (TG)/The Next Generation                            │
│                         Larsen/The Next Generation                          │
│                                                                             │
│    Personal Greets from Lear:                                               │
│    ──────────────────────────                                               │
│                         ...                                                 │
│                                                                             │
│    Releases:                                                                │
│    ─────────                                                                │
│    HighTech 16chn mzx; 8th on Rage'96          1996.06.01.  emp_high.zip    │
│    WashMachine 3D pic; 3rd on Rage'96          1996.06.01.  emp_wash.zip    │
│    Life in the Jungle 14chn mzx for FLaG'96    1996.07.21.  emp_life.zip    │
│                                                                             │