RedShift by TLM
____ _ ____ _ _ __ _ | _ \ ___ __| / ___|| |__ (_)/ _| |_ | |_) / _ \/ _` \___ \| '_ \| | |_| __| | _ < __/ (_| |___) | | | | | _| |_ |_| \_\___|\__,_|____/|_| |_|_|_| \__| RedShift by TLM and Gloom 2nd @ Function 2013 Demo compo Random points (by TLM): * This prod is practically my first prod * This prod was initially made as a 64kb intro, so the entire content is run-time generated (minus the skybox). * It's important to mention that Gloom's involvement was way beyond music. He actually was more of a mentor than anything else - THANK YOU! * I should also credit AtomDelta for his awesome art and direction help. * Hardware requirements: Any SM4 GPU should do the trick. * If you experience issues please send me the log.txt from the data folder. * An interesting video of the Ambient Occlusion layer by itself: * Tools and libs: IQ's 64k framework, GNU Rocket, Bass, lodepng and glm * Email: edoreshef at gmaildotcom
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