Megacracker 1.20c by CY
May 18th, 1992 Welcome to the " MegaCracker 1.20c " ======================================== Dedicated to the cutest girl in the world ... I know who is ment (and that's enough) ******************************************************************************* * DISC CONTENT * ******************************************************************************* UTIL_108.PRG INIT-PRG for the MC (including an EXTRACTOR for MC-Data) ******************************************************************************* * CREDITS * ******************************************************************************* Code : CY GFX : to a great degree SHRED/QUADLITE, unvoluntarily Testing : CY, LL / independent VANTAGE / ST-CNX This programme is somwhat Public Domain. It may freely be copied and istalled on some EPROMs. You also may use the MC-programme, which links itself to the DUMP-(Alternate+Help)- and Reset-Vector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p MAIN MENU: q F 1 - F10, ESC, TAB, SPACE, HELP, UNDO: I don't know why I chose these keys. Anyway - Use them, the Mouse, the Joystick or the Cursor-Keys UP and DOWN to move the Cursor (blue lines). You may select an option by pressing the correct functionkey, the return- key or simply any mousebutton if it's marked (with the cursor). The keys Alternate+Control+(Shift right)+Delete may be used to leave the MC. The function is similar to the Desktop-Function: Using the right Shift-Key causes a cold start (entire clearance of your (computer's !!!) memory.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p GFX-SEARCHER: q Options, provided in this Screen: - MOVE SCREEN - change RESOLUTION, COLORS and LINE-MODULO - TOGGLE SAVEDRIVE and SAVE SCREEN to disk - FORMAT disk - INIT disk - MARK parts/blocks of a screen to save them seperatly KEYS: ESC, Joystick-Button, right Mousekey: leave GFX-Searcher SPACE: Toggle resolution (Low -> Medium -> High and back to Low) 1, 2, 3, 4: Toggle one of the displayed planes Joystick/Mouse: Move Screen (give it a try !) with left mousebutton: Move 10 times faster than normal in vertical direction HELP/UNDO (Cursor-Block): Substract/Add 2 from/to Grafix-Base (Screen-Base) UP/DOWN (Cursor Block): multiply or divide line-modulo by 2 LEFT/RIGHT (Cursor Block): Substract/Add 8 from/to the modulo INS/CLR (Cursor Block): Substract/Add 2 from/to the modulo ( (NKB or normal Keyboard): Set Modulo to 160 (normal Screen-Width) ) (NKB or normal Keyboard): Set Modulo to 230 ('normal' Oversacn-Width) / (NKB or normal Keyboard): Decrement Raster-Number (for color-edit) * (NKB or normal Keyboard): Increment Raster-Number (for color-edit) - (NKB or normal Keyboard): Move raster one line upward (can't modify VBL-raster) + (NKB or normal Keyboard): Move raster one line downward (can't modify VBL-raster) v: Copy Colors of VBL-Raster to active raster V: Copy Colors of VBL-Raster to ALL rasters ALT + A,B,C: Select physical Drive A,B or the 3rd one for saving ALT + S: Save the Screen ALT + CONTROL + SHIFT + F: Format disk in selected drive ALT + CONTROL + SHIFT + I: Init disk in selected drive ALT + INSERT/CLR (Cursor Block): Select a color to edit ALT + LEFT/RIGHT (Cursor Block): Choose R,G or B-Parameter to change with ... ALT + UP/DOWN: increment or decrement Color-Parameter (by one) ALT + D: Switch to "NeoChrome" Default-Palette ALT + M: Mark Block: Joystick without Fire: Move Block-Rectangle up, down, right or left Joystick with Fire: changle x- or y-size of the Block-Rectangle UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT Move Block-Rectangle up, down, right or left ALT + LEFT/RIGHT change x-size (width) of rectangle ALT + UP/DOWN change y-size (height) of rectangle SHIFT + ALT + UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT Move/Change faster SPACE Enter block into 'GFX-MARK'-List ESC quit without taking Block into 'GFX-MARK'-List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p BLOCK OPERATIONS: q Options, provided in this Screen: - View all marked blocks - Erase some blocks - save single/all block(s) LEFT/RIGHT (Cursor Block): change Block-Number ESCAPE: exit this screen UP/DOWN: modify Modulo ALT + LEFT/RIGHT (Cursor Block): same function as in the GFX-Searcher's Marker: Modify Width ALT + UP/DOWN (Cursor Block): ~ : Modify Heigth HELP/UNDO: Modify Screenbase ALT + A,B,C: Select physical Drive A,B or the 3rd one for saving ALT + CONTROL + SHIFT + F: Format disk in selected drive ALT + CONTROL + SHIFT + I: Init disk in selected drive SPACE: Change log. Resolution of Block (Low -> Medium -> High --> Low...) ALT + S: saves all used GFX-Blocks to the selected physical Drive s, S: save one single (actually selected) block to disc This menu isn't idiot-proof yet ! So watch out (if you're one). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p SEARCH FOR STRING (CONTINUE SEARCH): q * if you press either SHIFT, CONTROL or ALTERNATE an old search will be continued (while selecting the option.) UP/DOWN (Cursor block): switch to ASCII or HEX-Input. Mode is displayed at the right screenborder LEFT/RIGHT (Cursor block): move "Cursor" within String. INS/CLR (Cursor block): decrement/increment the String-Length (important for later Search !) ESC or a Mousebutton: Start Search any other key: will be converted to ASCII (or HEX) and put into the string at the cursor position. The cursor afterwards moves one to the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p SOUNDTRACKER-SEARCHER: q Options, provided in this Menu: - Hunt for Soundtracker-Modules (primitive algorithm, so far) - examine Samples and (if you wish to) alter them - play song SHOW SAMPLE DATA ESC or right Mousebutton: exit this screen UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT (Cursor keys): select the sample you wish to see TAB: to toggle the view mode (all/averaged) BACKSPACE: to reverse a sample 0..7: to toggle every Bit 0..7 (within one sample) NOTE: The yellow line shows the END of the Sample, the two red lines the repeat-area (if present/existing). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p DISASSEMBLER: q * move mouse up and down to change the disass-position * right mouse button exits ... * NKB: 2 - Jump to (old) BusError-Exception-Rountine 3 - AddressError 4 - Illegal Command 5 - Division by Zero 6 - Chk 7 - TrapV 8 - priviliged Command 9 - Trace ( - Old (!) VBI-Vector ($0070.w) ) - Old TIMER-B-Vector ($0120.w) * - Reset-Vector ^: Enter old SystemVector (<$800) and move disass-pos. there ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p MEMORY-PEEKER: q * mouse (without left button): normal speed movement (up/down/left/right) * mouse (with left button) : fix x-position, 5times the Y-Speed * right mouse button or ESC exits (again) F 1 - F 4: Set Marker #1 - #4 NKB 1 - 4: move memory pointer to Marker #1 - #4 NKB 5: --> Soundtracker-Song-Pointer NKB 6: --> StringPos (if you found a String) NKB 7: --> Disassembler-Position Cursor right/left: move cursor one position right or left within the marked line. ALT + Cursor right/left: move cursor eigth posisionts right or left within the marked line. Cursor up/down: move line/cursor up or down (one line or 24 Bytes) ALT + Cursor up/down: move line/cursor up or down (ten lines or 240 Bytes) Keys 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f: set nibble below cursor-position (don't massacre $0070.w or $0120.w !) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p MISC: q SYNC guess what ... EXECUTE OLD VBI/HBI Be sure of what you're doing before activating one of these options. EXECUTE RESETVECTOR This option checks whether the RES-Vec. is valid. If it is, it'll be executed. Again : Think first, click then. BOOT FROM A/B dedicated to my friend who have no hardware-driveselector. This one simply changes $0446.w. Switch to WARM-START afterwards. OS-CHECKSUM Calculated Longword-/Word- and Byte-sum of you TOS or whatever you're using. May be useful for some guys (like me) who are working on their TOS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p DISC ACCESS: q - use the UTIL's EXTRACTOR-Option to get the files off the disc again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p WARM START/COLD START/CONTINUE: q - COLD START may be used to escape some nasty demodisks without switching your computer off. It will, however, not work if you used the ALT+HELP-Routine to call the ripper (for your safty.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p THE EXCEPTION-CAPTURE: q If any EXCEPTION within the MC occurs this small routine will display all the registers including PC and SR. If the CAPTURE works correctly, some dark-grey flickerings can be seen (I never saw it not working). During this routine no interrupt (except for the NMI) will be permitted. I found this option to be useful while dealing with (for example) "GATEWAY TO HEXENLAND" where after the init-routs. an (to me unknown) interrupt occured. If you should come accross such a problem, you can try to reinstall (REINIT) the MC which helps sometimes. If it shouldn't you may either contact me and tell me your exact MC-Version and the programme that got it "out of business" or simply work on it yourself (if you can ...) To take a look at the CAPTURE select option F10 which will create an ILLEGAL COMMAND (it's actually one ...) That's (almost) all concerning the MC. ******************************************************************************* * THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MC : ... as time went by ... * ******************************************************************************* V0.01c - V1.13c the long way of creation took place ... I hardly can remember the details, so I don't bother you with these ancient happenings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1.14c EXCEPTION-Capture installed for the first time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1.15c 1st spread Version (30 Nov 1991) EXCEPTION-Capture improved UTILITIES 1.01a with INSTALL-Option (PRG/BRN) DEFAULT SAVE-DRIVE + SYNC -> INSTALL-Programme (V1.01b) physical (!) GFX-BASE (not $044e.w any more) DRIVE 3 implemented (CAUTION ! See UTILs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1.16c corrections in INIT-ROUTINE RAM-SEARCHER-Rout. rewritten busted some BUGS in the EXCEPTION-Capture,more INFOs (MC-Intern),Stack- Correction on BUS- and ADDRESS-Errors,Disassembles next command MEMORY PEEKER dumped one line to many GENG-RAM+ Access-Routs. finished (for 5M0-(3)-Type ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1.17c 1st Replay-Version I included a soundtracker-replayrout. (C) by ST-CNX / Marlon & Belzebub (which has been heavily optimized in advance.) some other corrections (not very important ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.18c It's '92 by now. "SHOW SAMPLE DATA"-Option written (quite colorful) and new options added (see SOUNDTRACKER-SEARCHER) Drive B is restored first, A afterwards. Timeout ! If your possess a GENG-TEC RAM+ Expansion you can get new RD-Drivers I coded for them. Ask either at GengTec or send a disk to the my address see below (it's worth it, since the new are about 200times faster, have a batch-interpreter, a setup-menu, etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.19c I began to rewrite all options (at least I intend to ...) new KeyBoard-Driver (AutoRepeat) GFX-Searcher (first recoded option): - uses the Lower Border and (thus) has more room for GFX - improved Plane-copy-Routs. (Faster AND more variable) - Mark Blocks in Buffers possible (Font-Ripping is much easier ...) - Save Screen directly in GFX-Searcher (Alt+A,B,C and S) - Format and Init disks - Medium Resolution as well Block Operations built in: - Format and Init disks - Examine blocks and Manipulate them (slightly) - Delete single blocks or whole list String-Search-Routines manipulated and fused. UTILITIES 1.05 have a SAVE MULTIPLE Option to extract a whole disk GRD-Drivers were taken out (not very useful ... SAVE MULTIPLE is with then now optimized format quite fast enough.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.20c Inquire-Option written, "Link to Vectors"-Version - Inquire Colors (via VBI and HBI. Caution! If a programmer was smart it may kick the MC out and reset your system. This option is NOT helpful if your working on Spectrum512-Pictures ... sorry!). To put it bluntly: it's hardly useful anyway. - The MC.PRG uses the DUMP- and RESET-Vector. - BlockOps: "SAVE BLOCKS"-Option in Block-Menu written and bug-fixed. (At least I hope so ...) - ^-Option in Dissembler installed (Jump at/to Pointer.) - InitRoutines for KeyBoard-Processor patched (no mouse problems ...) - entire FONT implemented - Monochrome-Ripping (on color monitor.) built in. UTILITIES 1.06 used PACK-ICE 2.40 instead of my own Bytekiller. It made the Utils about 5 KiloBytes shorter. Furthermore you now may select your country to change the MC-keymap. Utilities generate a RST-File (Hi Chaos Inc./DF) for NeoChrome Master. I'm working on an IFF-Rout. UTILITIES 1.07 use both (either PackIce or the Bytekiller since I had some problems with them). Forthermore you now may select the output- formats for pictures (*.NEO, *.RST, *.IFF, *PI?). UTILITIES 1.08 can now (bug-fucking was tough!) load GFX-Blocks saved by the ripper and write them as a List of IFF-Files for NeoMaster. You may (without problems) save different GFX-Blk-files on disk to one prefix, since the numbercounter is not erased, unless you use the "Clear NrCtr"-Button. You may find one drag-dialog (it was not very reasonable to use more than one ...) ******************************************************************************* * PLANNED FEATURES FOR COMMIN' VERSION * ******************************************************************************* - ISS, the INTELLIGENT SOUNDTRACK(ER)-SEARCHER - perhaps other SEARCH-Routs (like IFF, ..., ..., ...) - more Options for UTILITIES (perhaps even ACC-like.) - some additional features (there are some 65 KB left !!!) - perhaps (if I get a good and fast one) a SOUNDTRACKER REPLAY-ROUT. with additional features - total Overscan (?) ******************************************************************************* My address (for contributions to future versions. Every help will be appreciated): p SVEN MEYER q p AM LOH 10 q p W-3053 HASTE q p GERMANY q p NOTE TO ALL USERS: q This programme may provide some options useful for cracking programms (I can't tell since I'm NO cracker). Its main purpose to provide you with options useful for programming (maybe gaining information from other people's programmes.) If you find an error (nobody's perfect, not even me ...) I beg you to send me a short remark. TOS-Version and background- programmes needn't be mentioned but a brief hardware-description would be of use to me. Furthermore : If you miss something, please write me a letter also. As a normal human being my imagionation-capacity is limited ... p NOTE TO DEMO-(DISC)-CODERS: q Try to make your demo evade this ripper (let me know if you managed and I'll work on it ...) I hope you have some fun before realizing that it MC is (almost! I left something open for you ...) perfect! But don't count on the EPROM-Bank-Magic since every Chips has an OE and CE- pin. IF YOUR ARE INTERESTED IN DEMOSWAPPING SO AM I! BUT REMEMBER TO SEND NO (I really mean it !!!) ILLEGAL (of any kind) SOFTWARE! Letters containing illegal software will pnotq (I repeat : N O T) be answered ... ******************************************************************************* Hi's (complete list since there's not enough room in the MC-Info ...), other kinds of Greetings and/or Thanks (or whatever you deserve ...) go to: - Markus Fritze & Sören Hellwig (TurboAss is simply THE BEST) - DELTA FORCE (Hi everyone, esp. NEW MODE and CHAOS, INC.) - ST CONNEXION (Hi everybody. I included your old 14kHz PLAYER!) - AXE of SUPERIOR (for PACK-ICE 2.40. It's some 5% better than my own cruncher and has less (I detected non) flaws.) - LOST BOYS (Sorry, you're Demodisks were testmaterial. I ripped no code!) - ALIEN CRACKING FORMATION (Hi Desire! Your Bloodsucker-Protection was useful for testing the MC as long as it had no E.C. built in.) - THE AVENGERS (It's always fun to find out that there's one Interrupt I didn't take care of so far ...) - Claus Brod & Anton Stepper (ScheibenKleister II is a great book, though I've got some problems with SED4.67D's Partition-Routs. used on SCSI-Devices) - Andreas Alich (for your RSC2S !!!) - Dan Wilga & BRA-Soft. (You folks are coding great utilities, like FormDoIt.) - Oliver Saalfeld (Why, if Emula 5.1 is as good as you want to make me believe, isn't it working on my 4Meg-ST with KAOS ?) - all (former?) Sinclair ZX-Spectrum Freaks. You're not the only one. (I've got some routs. to read only Beta-Disks and make them run on the Specci-Emulator on the ST, but no discs!) Signed CY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some last notes: - Did you find the "Monster" (it's Lord L.) on the very first Level of Dungeon- Master. (He's standing just outside the BLACK Entrance-Door, I guess!) - Did anyone find POWERTOWERS in DM or the FIRESTAFF in CSB? I didn't. Further- more there is a IR-BOMB-Picture somewhere within CSB.
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