
The Vague #2

      .                                                                .

        .  .... .                                            . ....  .
           :       ..... .. .                    . .. .....       :
       ....:  .....:                                      :.....  :....
   . ..:      :         __________  _ ______________           :      :.. .
         _ __ /\      _/         ( (__________  ___/____      /\ __ _
            //: \ __ /   _           _       /  _)  _   \ __ / :\\
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     _/  \/   :         _______|   \________\/________\        :   \/  \_
              :                                                :
        .   __:____.       ___ ________        _._ _________  _:__   .
     ___:__ \ :    |_____ /   \\    __/_______/ | \\     __/_/ : / __:___
   _\\_((__\_\_    |    //  .   \   \   _       |  \    _)     _/_/__))_//_
        :   \/ \   |   _/ _\|/_  _   \__/  _/   |    _  `     / \/   :
        .     : \ _   /     |     \       /           \    _ / .     .
     _        :  \/__/______|______\_____/_____________\___\/  :        _
      \  /\   :  /                                          \  :   /\  /
  - ---\/--\  : /--------------------------------------------\ :  /--\/--- -
       \/   \ :/                                              \: /   \/
             \/      - * - T  H  E    V  A  G  U  E - * -      \/
   . ...      :.....             _ ________ _             .....:      ... .
       :....       :.... .. .                    . .. ....:       ....:
           :                                                      :
        .  :... .       _._/\____ _____. ___________._       . ...:  .
                 / _ ___\| \/ |  \\    |/    __/ .  |/___ _ \
      .     - --   _ ___ |    |   \    |  _._/   |  | ___ _   -- -     .
                 \     /_|____|___\\___|___|________|_\     /
       _ __ _____________|__________________________|_____________ __ _
       _                _|                          |_                _
   _ /\\/_________ _ ___\    I  S  S  U  E   #  2    /___ _ _________\//\ _
 ._\/  \/                                                            \/  \/_.
 |                                                                          |
 | First, you must be sure that you have correctely installed  warp3d. Test |
 | it by running 'warptest' demo from archive.If you have some problem with |
 | it, you need to setup warp3d correctly,before you can run diskmag.If you |
 | have  "no  mode id"  found, or a similar problem, this means you have an |
 | incorrect setup of warp3d drivers.                                       |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\//                                              \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/                                                \/      .    . 
   _ _:_ _ _            FOR CLASSIC (A1200/A4000) USERS           _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  /\ _                                    _ /\  ___(((_):(_)-->
 :    .        \/  \/____________________________________\/  \/        .    : 
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | If all is ok, try to run it. If you have 'white/ grey/ anycolor' screen, |
 | problem can be (with case of mediator) in badly  ENV:Mediator/MMU value. |
 | You must  remember, that  for  68k  warp3d applications  over  mediator, |
 | ENV:Mediator/MMU must be set to YES. it possible to do some manipulation |
 | with warp3d drivers, and setup for it to  work with MMU=NO, but, in most |
 | cases it's kind of HACK, and MMU must be set to YES for 68k/warp3d apps. |
 |                                                                          |
 | If you have 'flickiring' on the screen while you use a mediator,you must |
 | set jumper WAIT to CLOSE state.                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | Additional notes:                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | 1.Engine must be run AFTER COLD REBOOT because aos3 does not have memory |
 |   protection. Many  other  apps  can  affect memory, some very important |
 |   pieces of code can be overwriten,and those things will create problems |
 |   for diskmag usage.This kind of problem without MP can't be detected'as |
 |   is', but you will see strange crash/ halt/ guru after some time :) So, |
 |   reboot is MUST.                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | 2.Classic users need the CORRECT ahi version.If you have some slowdowns, |
 |   you  must  update  your ahi version to the 6.0 or later. With 4.x (for |
 |   example) you will have these slowdowns.Also,with one tester's machine: |
 |   after running diskmag over ahi, music playing, and stopped/froze after |
 |   a  few  seconds. This  problem  is  solved by increasing the number of |
 |   channels.                                                              |
 |                                                                          |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\//                                              \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/                                                \/      .    . 
   _ _:_ _ _              FOR CLASSIC B/CVISION USERS             _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  /\ _                                    _ /\  ___(((_):(_)-->
 :    .        \/  \/____________________________________\/  \/        .    : 
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | 1. Bvision have only 8mb of memory, so, best way for you: set wb mode to |
 |    640x480x8bit (or 15/16bit), reboot, and run dismag. In this  case 8mb |
 |    will be enough even for the longest articles.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | 2. Some  testers  have  problems  with 24bit mode. And have some kind of | 
 |    'corruption'. This  is  problem  of 4.2 library which does not handle |
 |    correctly texture data with a depth  lower  then  depth of mode. Best |
 |    choice  here  -  just  use 15 / 16bit  modes, or slideback to the 4.0 |
 |    W3D_Permedia2.library while you use The Vague.                        |
 |                                                                          |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\//                                              \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/                                                \/      .    . 
   _ _:_ _ _           FOR MORPHOS USERS (PEG/EFIKA/MAC)          _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  /\ _                                    _ /\  ___(((_):(_)-->
 :    .        \/  \/____________________________________\/  \/        .    : 
 |                                                                          |
 | For morphos these kind of nuances can take place:                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | 1. if you have slowdowns, do not annoy MOS by running other applications |
 |    simultaneously (like bittorent).                                      |
 |                                                                          |
 | 2. if you have some problems with 'scissoring'(i.e some area of graphics |
 |    out of bounds and overlapping on some others areas, on  screen visual |
 |    of some kind of X/Y artefacts) it means you have old r200.library(for |
 |    example), where is was bug with scissoring. You need  get the  latest |
 |    w3d update from MOS team ("10.06.2006 - MorphOS 3D  Update release 2" |
 |    is minimum)                                                           |
 |                                                                          |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\//                                              \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/                                                \/      .    . 
   _ _:_ _ _           FOR AOS4.X USERS (A1/mA1/PEG2/SAM)          _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  /\ _                                    _ /\  ___(((_):(_)-->
 :    .        \/  \/____________________________________\/  \/        .    : 
 |                                                                          |
 | There are no issues. It seems tester's machines were set up correctly in |
 | all cases. However, if you do see a grimreaper, just click on ignore.    |
 |                                                                          |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\//                                              \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/                                                \/      .    . 
   _ _:_ _ _                FOR AROS USERS (I386)                 _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  /\ _                                    _ /\  ___(((_):(_)-->
 :    .        \/  \/____________________________________\/  \/        .    : 
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | There are no issues. Wazp3D  did the work :) But make sure that you have |
 | latest one.                                                              |
 |                                                                          |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /______________________________________________\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\//                                              \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/                                                \/      .    . 
   _ _:_ _ _             FOR WINUAE (IBM-PC:) ) USERS             _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  /\ _                                    _ /\  ___(((_):(_)-->
 :    .        \/  \/____________________________________\/  \/        .    : 
 |                                                                          |
 | For now you have 2 warp3d wrappers: QuarkTex and Wazp3D. Wazp3D works in |
 | software mode only, so, it will be slow. But everything will  works fine |
 | From other side, QuarkTex are HW wrapper via win32 OGL (directly),so, it |
 | fast, but some bugs are occur: no window mode (grey window), and in full |
 | screen-mode mouse are distorted  the screen data (so, only keys). Choice |
 | yourself what is better for you.                                         |
 |                                                                          |
_: ___ __                                                            __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ____                                              ____  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /_______ _     _____      ____   ____ __ ______\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\// \      /____/   _/__ __/  _/__/   // /     / \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/   \|  |  _      ____//_/  ____/  /// /   / /   \/      .    .
   _ _:_ _ _      _|__|__/____\___/___ _____//__//__/_____/_      _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  / - ------------------------------------ - \  ___(((_):(_)-->
      .        \/                                            \/        .
                         -  2      O      O      9  -

    if you have any kind of problem with the engine on your configuration,
    just write at [email protected] , and we will fix it shortly thereafter,
    if possible.

 .                                                                          .
              _                                                _
_: ___ __     \ _                                            _ /     __ ___ :_
(.))_((__\  ___\/__ _   _ __  __            __  __ _     _ __\/___  /__))_((.)
 .       _\/ _ /\_________ /  \              /  \ ___________/\ _ \/_       .
.:.   .   \/\\// \       //    \     --     /    \\         / \\//\/   .   .:.
 .    .      \/   \_        xX   ! aMiGAh !   Xx          _/   \/      .    .
   _ _:_ _ _      __ ____\\    /     --     \    //______ __      _ _ _:_ _
<--(_):(_)))___  / - -   __\  /_            _\  /__     - - \  ___(((_):(_)-->
      .        \/  aBHO                                 -T!  \/        .