Best of KAPSA club by KAPSA Club
Poçítaçovÿ klub Kapsa po⌐ádá ve dnech 29.4. aæ 1.5.1995 (sobotu aæ pondêlí) v Praze SAMCON '95 4. mezinárodní setkání uæivatelû poçítaçû SAM coupé, ZX Spectrum a kompatabilních. Tímto Vás srdeçnê zveme. Bliæ¿í informace dostanete na adrese klubu: KAPSA, Norská 5, 101 00 Praha 10, Çeská Republika nebo na elektronické adrese: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Computer club KAPSA makes 4th international meeting of users of following computers: Sam coupé, ZX Spectrum and compatible. It will be made from April 29th till May 1st in Prague, the capital of Czech republic. This meeting is called SAMCON '95. The nearer informations you may get at the following adresses: KAPSA club Norská 5 Praha 10 101 00 Czech Republic or at the electronic adress [email protected]
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