Darkness by NAA
DARKNESS BY N.A.A Released At The JFF Convention 1998 ;-) 1st place at the Demos competion ;-) Credits: ZooM/NAA : all the music and the original scenario (yes, there was one) help in some debugging, some textures also. Pras/NAA : hand drawn graphs some part of code in few effects (starfield, vortex,...) also some debugging (yes there were lots of errors) Hufo/NAA : JWorld code (graphic and system library), 3d engine code main and effects code (voxel, blobs, hole,...) and of course debugging MaMe/NAA : raytraced graphs Alfred & Guru / S2 : MIDAS Digital Sound System Charles Scheffold and Thomas Pytel : PMode/W == N.A.A Crew :=============================================================== Official N.A.A Members List (in historical order): Pseudo Activities e-mail ZooM Musician X Weitek Coder, Web Master [email protected] Pras Coder, Graphist X Hufo Coder [email protected] MaMe 3d Artist X N.A.A News: We dramatically need a graphist. If you are interested and live near Orleans please contact us (ZooM or Hufo). Visit our Web Site at http:/Nothingatall.home.ml.org PS: what "N.A.A" stands for? -> Nothing At All :-) ==Some Words from ZooM======================================================== Holy shit, we dit it. After 6 months of hard work, Hours and hours of debugging we brought u Darkness. For the scenario (si si il y en avait un :-) i was inspired by old Amiga demos like Destroy Fascism, Factory, the demos of 3LE, etc. We cared about synchronization between effects and the music, e.g the Dancing Bretzel. Now the Boring Stuff 8-); I use FT 2.08, Octamed pro V4, I.T 2.14 v3, E.T.P Turntables. I am looking for a software that can apply good resonant filtering on samples. So if u know of one please get in touch with me. I want to send respect to Some Musicians and Coders: --Necros --Gryzor --Jogeir Liljedahl --Moby --Techno Jake --Travolta --Dr Jekyll --Mr Hyde --Groo This is it. Wanna get in touch with me, easy : Allen BLACKWELL 27, Rue Mgr Von Galen 45100 ORLEANS FRANCE Enorme merci à la JFF pour sa demo party, une bonne ambiance, des organisateurs sympas,bref l'essentiel pour une demo party. I hope we'll c u again fellows. If everything works fine we should release another demo for the Saturn party 98. C U SOON ============================================================================== == Some words from Hufo :===================================================== Hello to all the demoscene and especially to all hardworking coders. First of all I want to apologize for my bad english (I'm a coder, not a writer). This is my first demo and that's why it was very hard for me to complete the project. It was very long because all the code was made especially for the demo, from the memory managment and file managment to the graphic and 3d engine. This projet was first planned for the LTP2 party but i've lost lots of time trying to developpe an XM player unsuccefully :( But now the demo is really better than it was at the party time. Since then, we've been able to greatly improve all effects (in particular voxels and blobs) and finally to view MaMe's graph in true colors. The volcano is the effect I prefer because it was my idea. After lots of month of bad green voxels I've been able to do a relatively good volcano. During the last few days I found a trick that increased by four the frame rate of that effect, which allowed us to greatly increase the visual appareance more than we've expected. If you are interested in the technique or want to propose enhancement, I would be really happy to be contacted. For this demo and for my future projects I've developped a library named JWorld which take care of all files, keyboard, memory and graphics access. The most developped module is the graphic one which is able to set a standard screen (which can be accessed via direct access) in all VESA VBE modes. This library is few month old and that's why it has been tested only on few computers. So if you encounter any problems I greatly encourage you to report them back to me. For the moment it is only implemented for DOS/Watcom environnement, but I want to port it to other systems. If I can, I want to port it to DJGPP, Unix and perhaps Win/DirectX. Thatfor, I'm looking for help (for porting and/or improving the JWorld system). That's all for the moment. I expect that we should soonly release other (better?) stuff. Don't hesitate to contact me (but I won't be able to access the internet during august, sorry). You can visit my homepage at http://www.mygale.org/~hufo Hufo / NAA [email protected] or: Jérémie Allard 6 allée Clos du Mesnil 45590 Saint Cyr en Val FRANCE ============================================================================== P.S: Do not hesitate to send Bug reports. End Of File met
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