presidenttipeliä by Humppamachines & Revenge The Perse [web]
presidenttipeliä, (c) humppamachines & rtp feat. mankeli this demo uses midas sound system. demo requires at least about 560k of conventional memory. code - hasisjuna / rtp a.k.a humppa-peke / humppamachines music - hammaspeikkohumppa (part1) by humppa-peke / humppamachines a.k.a hasisjuna / rtp politiikkaa (part2) by kummitusmuna / mankeli grafix - hasisjuna / rtp a.k.a humppa-peke / humppamachines don't even try to run this demo in windows, becooz it will crash your computer. or in professional terms "windows has made an illegal function..." - hasisjuna or humppa-peke, 21.1.2000
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