
j.a.m. (just another musicplayer) by Cream [web]


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               Just another musicplayer V 1.1beta

              www.creamhq.de      [email protected]

< Introduction                                                   >

In the late 70's, early 80's, when the first  homecomputers  were
provided with 'real' soundprocessors,  a new kind of enthusiastic
user came up. The Chipmaniac. Living in  his  own  little  world,
he switches on his machine for only  one  reason. Computermusics.
Funny little songs of three or four voices, made of simple square 
waves, noise,  or  triangles,  sometimes  filters  and  realtime-
effects. He loves to  listen  to  these  noises,  which  'normal' 
people consider painful.

He meets his mates to swap demos just to get some new  pieces  of
his favourite composers. And he gets mad challenging  endmonsters 
in chance to get a new levelmusic or an endmusic. After some time
he gets bored playing games and starts ripping the songs for  his 
growing collection. But he isn't satisfied by  listening  to  his 
fave songs only at home, so he records  them on  tape  or  CD  to 
enjoy them by driving his car or riding  his  bike,  wherever  he 
wants to.

He grows older, buys new generations of computers and expieriences
new,  different  styles  of music.  One  day he  remembers the old 
songs. His old machine isn't available anymore so he  explores the 
net for the old  chippies and for emulators. His taste of music is 
still a  mystery to  his  new  friends. He  doesn't  care.  He's a 
chipmaniac...for good.

< The Concept                                                     >

'Jam' is a multiformat  musicplayer  based  on a plugin-structure.
It is supposed to run on all Atari computers with sound-DMA (M/STE
Falcon, TT). 

The program is available for two different  tastes of  navigating.
With a single-task custom-shell,  as well as with a  GEM-shell for
multitasking  systems  like  MiNT. We  had no  chance to test this
program with  clones like Hades, Milan or Phenix, so should not be
expected to run on these machines.

The idea of 'Jam' is to offer a chance to replay any music-format,
which is available and replayable for Atari  computers, like Chris
Hülsbeck's  TFMX,  Jochen Hippel's COSO,  Future Composer or PSID.
The replayers for these  formats  are  included as  plugins. 'Jam'
is provided with plugins for a wide range of well  known  formats,
and is still extendable. Anybody  can add his  own  plugin for his
favourite musicformat. Find detailed explanation plugin-api, deli-
vered with this package.

< Credits:                                                       >
	Abyss:    custom-shell coding, plugins
	Candyman: GEM-shell, plugins
	Tao:      custom-shell coding, plugins

< The Plugins                                                    >

 The plugins need to be copied into the 'plugins' - folder.  They
 can be downloaded from our website (www.creamhq.de).  See  extra
 textfiles delivered with the single plugins for more information.

< Adding your own Plugin                                         >

 Read the plugin-api,  delivered with this package, to get infor-
 mations on how to include your own plugin into 'Jam'.  

< Some very special greets                                       >

 Jochen Hippel ( Thanks for supporting us with sourcecodes!)
 Evil/DHS      ( Thanks for testing and useful hints)
 MC Laser      ( Cool ASCII-Logo, thanks! )

 SWE, 505, Dma Sc, Paranoid, Grazey, Grey, ST Survivor
