
Generation #24 by artwork

Short:    Generation Issue 24 by Artwork
Author:   [email protected]
Uploader: [email protected]
Type:     demo/mag

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                             ╖ p r e s e n t ╖

          - -- ---> G e n e r a t i o n  I s s u e  2 4 <--- -- -

            This is the latest issue of the legandary diskmag.

                   This masterpiece needs AGA and a HD!

                  Don`t forget to visit our homepages at:

                             Artwork Homepage:


                            Generation Online:


       Just depack the LHA file in one dir. (for example hd1:Mags/)
  That`s all... Now you can start Generation #24 by pressing the Icon or
just "cd" in the directory where Generation 24 is and type "run Generation24"