
OBE by Virtual Dreams & Fairlight [web] & Sumea Labs [web]

vd_flt + sumea labs: OBE


code              jani kajala
graphics          jarkko salminen, mikko kodisoja
sound             sami arola

system requirements

DirectX 8 needs to be installed. The demo runs with Celeron 466MHz and 
some decent 3D accelerator. If the display adapter has low memory (e.g. 8MB)
you should use -lowtex command line switch to scale down textures.

command line options

-nosound          skip obe.mp3 playback
-win              run in desktop window
-lowtex           scale down textures by 2 and force to 16bit
-bpp <n>          set display mode bits per pixel (16/24/32), default is 32
-sndbuf <ms>      set sound mixing buffer length (ms)
-stat             prints current number of primitives, triangles and lights 
                  to screen (Warning: might be very slow, uses Win32 GDI..)
-time             prints current time (seconds) to screen
-fov              prints current fov (horizontal/vertical) to screen
-dir <path>       set Content directory (root for Scenes/, Images/, 
                  Objects/, Flows/ and ParticleSystems/)
-planes           prints front/back plane distances to screen
-noup             skip texture preload to video memory
-dbg              debug output (Debug.txt) to the content directory
-up2              use old texture uploading logic
-nosplash         skip loading screen rendering


s                 slow motion (disabled when mp3 playback is active)
f                 forward (disabled when mp3 playback is active)
b                 backward (disabled when mp3 playback is active)
p                 pause (disabled when mp3 playback is active)
g                 grab screen (to Shot01.bmp, Shot02.bmp, ...)
esc               quit

external libraries

OBE uses fmod sound system (see www.fmod.org) ja libjpeg (see www.ijg.org).


[email protected]