604 by apocalypse inc [web]
604 by ainc. in 99 code/3d/2d toxic avenger logos zuljin xm biotic 5th at evoke99 =========== DOS-VERSION =========== min.P166 - NoSound - VESA 1.2 - 16MB RAM max.PII450 - Midas-Compatible SoundCard - VESA 2/LFB - 16MB RAM uses 640x480x16bpp (vesamode 111h) possible options: -mblur : activates motion-blurring (VESA 2 only and veeery slow) -vsync : sync to vertical retrace (VESA 2 only) -allow16bit : allow usage of 16bit-midas-output problems: -the 16bit-music-output does not work properly :( (maybe only on SB and compatibles.. GUS/others may (!!) work..) -should be run under pure dos.. does not work under win9x.. :( =========== WIN-VERSION =========== min.P166 - NoSound - 16MB RAM max.PII450 - Midas-Compatible SoundCard - 32MB RAM uses 640x480x16/15bpp (direct draw fullscreen) possible options: -window : uses a 16bpp-window for gfx-output problems: colors might be wrong when using windowed mode.. ====== GREETZ ====== toxic avenger: personal: squoquo (being elite suckz.. azul 4ever =), eska (joint venture til ms2k ?!), the syracuse conspiracy, bander, the vinz, and of course all my "real-life"-friends.. respectz: tbl (ya already guessed it, huh !? =).. zuljin: personal: biotic: personal: Marshal Law Trancid Mango ===== THANX ===== Ivan Montes Velencoso (Dr.Slump) for ZFS (Zip-File-System) Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar for UPX (Exe-Compressor) Charles W. Sandmann for CWSDPMI FPC-Developers for makin the BEST pascal-compiler available Housemarque inc. for MIDAS Udo Giacomozzi for his fpc-dos-port of MIDAS ======= CONTACT ======= toxic avenger: wanna join the apocalypse ?! wanna chat about demo/game-coding !? feel free to mail me.. [email protected] http://www.uni-ulm.de/~s_cwaech/ zuljin: [email protected] biotic: [email protected] === FAQ === Q: i have a PIII/1GHZ. the demo is flickerin like hell.. A: use the "-vsync" parameter to synchronize to vertical retrace or use "-mblur" for motion blurring. (this should slow down every pc available right now =) Q: i hate this demo. A: delete it. ===== INFOS ===== a lot happened since the release of dsots on ms2k-1: -lichtmensch was kicked out (was he ever a true member !? i don't know for sure).. -psychodad was (as always =) too damn lazy.. was kicked out too.. -bander's still in (you are, i hope ?! =).. -zuljin joined and has pixeled all those kewl logos.. -biotic joined (??) and tracked some superb muzic.. 99% you saw/heard in this demo was COMPLETELY SELFMADE.. ripping kills the scene (f*#k those stolen mpegs/meshes).. the fpc direct draw stuff can be downloaded from toxic avenger's site (as well as a simple fpc mod player with sources).. and now the usual blabla.. the demo was finished on the evoke-party minutes before deadline.. main code/design was done in one and a half week.. (C)99 ainc.
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