
kakiarts 8-ball by Kakiarts [web]

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                                                `.   \.      www.kakiarts.de
             P R E S E N T S                     `.   `.
  A N   A R C A D E   B I L L I A R D S            \    \
         G A M E   I N   < 8 0 K                   |     |
                                                   |     |
       code, ingame graphics: KeyJ                .'     ||
       title graphics:        gabi                |      /
       music:                 dq                 |     ,'

Key Features

- 2-player arcade 8-ball game
- OpenGL 3D graphics
- executable size is ~78 kilobytes (no cheating, only standard system DLLs
  are used)
- a "minimal" version with reduced features is also available, at just under
  14 kilobytes
- standard 8-ball rules, tunable (no professional rules, though)
- background music
- sound effects
- nice title screen :)


- Windows 2000 or XP
- a CPU that isn't too slow (think ~500 MHz minimum for low detail, 2 GHz or
  equivalent for high detail)
- OpenGL acceleration. GeForce-2 class will do (at least in low detail mode)


Screen Resolution: The first item, "(Windowed)", starts the game in a
                   maximized window. The remaining items will run it
                   full-screen in the resolution of your choice.
High Detail: Activates high detail mode for fast computers.
Antialias: Activates 4x Full-Screen Anti-Aliasing. If such a mode isn't
           available on the machine, it will silently fall back to a
           non-antialiased mode.
Music: Activates music from the start. Music can also be (de-)activated later
       with the [M] key.
Sound: Activates sound effects from the start. Effects can also be
       (de-)activated later with the [S] key.


First important note: Don't touch the mouse, you won't need it.

[Left] and [Right]  Aim
[Down] or [Space]   Fire (hold the key down to increase the cue power)
[Shift]             "Precision" Modifier: slows down aiming and firing
[Ctrl]              "Fast" Modifier: increases aiming and firing speed

Cursor Keys         (ball in hand) move cue ball
[Enter]             (ball in hand) confirm cue ball position

[Q] or [Esc]        Quit the game
[N]                 Start a new game
[M]                 Toggle music
[S]                 Toggle sound effects
[D]                 Toggle aiming help
[Tab]               Aim at another ball

[H]                 Show or hide help window
[R]                 Show or hide rules window
[1] through [7]     Toggle a rule (while the rules window is visible)
[V]                 Show ball velocity vectors
[W]                 Toggle wireframe balls

Camera Controls

[F1]                Switch to overview camera
[F2]                Switch to near camera
[F3]                Switch to far camera
[F4]                Switch to fly-by camera
[F5]                Switch to auto camera
                    (far camera while cueing, overview camera when balls
                    are rolling; this is the default)
[F6]                Switch to free camera
[-] and [+]         Increase/decrease camera distance
[PgUp] and [PgDn]   Raise/lower camera
[Left] and [Right]  (free camera only) Rotate camera
[Up] and [Down]     (free camera only) Move camera forward/backward
[Home] and [End]    (free camera only) Change camera altitude
[Ins] and [Del]     (free camera only) Move camera left/right ("strafing")

Minimal Version

The minimal version offers all gameplay features except
- no configuration dialog
- no title screen
- no sound
- no music
- no fullscreen mode
- no low detail mode
- no antialiasing
- no fps counter
- no cue power indicator bar
- no wireframe and "show velocities" mode
- no free camera
- no icon :)


External code used in this game:
- V2 synthesizer system by kb/farbrausch
- kkrunchy executable packer by ryg/farbrausch
- Crinkler linker + packer by Mentor/TBC and Blueberry/Loonies (for the
  minimal version)

Special thanks to Prozac for extensive testing.

                                                     -- KeyJ <[email protected]>