
Flight by Kosmic Free Music Foundation [web]

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	   ░░░   ░░░                     ░░░   ░░░   ░░░ ░░░         kosmic]

		 ▀  ▄ ▀▄█▓▒░ Free Music for the Mind! ░▒▓█▀▄ ▀ ▄

─ [release info] ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─
█ "Flight" by GooRoo, BarryE, Maelcum, Floss,              DATE: [04/18/95]   ░
█	      B00MER, and Leviathan                                           ░
█ ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─ ▒
█ This is Kosmic's first demo, which placed third at NAiD '95.  The demo      ▓
█ needs 8 megs of RAM and a soundcard to run.  The reason it needs 8 megs     █
█ is I preload most of the graphics and tables at the beginning of the demo.  █
█ This eats up a lot of memory but it allows for fewer pauses between each    █
▓ section.  Since the demo is closely timed to the music I didn't want any    █
▒ pauses.  I guess Maelcum will have to make a new directory for kosmic       █
░ demos now :)                                                                █
─  ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

──[members]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─
█  1 Maelcum ............. Founder/Musician/Art.... [email protected]    ░
█  2 I.Q. ................ Musician ............... [email protected]       ▒
█  3 the Hacker .......... Musician ............... [email protected]   ▓
█  4 Phoen¡x ............. Musician ............... [email protected]             █
█  5 Berky ............... Coder/PR/Design......... [email protected]       █
█  6 Diablo .............. Public Relations .... [email protected]█
█  7 Balrog .............. Musician ............... [email protected]       █
█  8 Basehead ............ Musician ............... [email protected]             █
█  9 Maral ............... Musician ............... [email protected]  █
█ 1o Krystall ............ Musician ............... [email protected]     █
█ 11 Lurch ............... Musician ............... [email protected]█
█ 12 Khyron .............. Musician ............... [email protected]          █
█ 13 Nemesis ............. Musician ............... [email protected]           █
█ 14 Mental Floss ........ Musician ............... [email protected]            █
█ 15 Piromaniak .......... Musician ............... [email protected]          █
█ 16 Statix .............. Coder .................. [email protected]           █
█ 17 GooRoo .............. Coder/Musician ......... [email protected]█
█ 18 Floss ............... Musician ............... [email protected]       █
█ 19 Lord Pegasus ........ Musician ............... [email protected]       █
█ 2o Sophisto ............ Artist/Musician ........ [email protected]     █
█ 21 Ink ................. Artist/Musician ........ ?                         █
▓ 22 B00MER .............. Musician/ANSI .......... [email protected]           █
▒ 23 Leviathan ........... Musician ............... [email protected]                █
░ 24 Zab ................. Coder .................. [email protected]          █
─  ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

──[Legal Info]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─
█ The program contained in this archive is Copyright 1995 Egerter Software,     ░
█ All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use of this demo, which includes selling  ▒
█ this demo on a CD-ROM software collection disk or any other profit-making   ▓
█ venture is prohibited.  Right is hereby granted to freely distribute this   █
█ archive *in original form only* via electronic networks, distribution via   █
▓ electronic bulletin-board system or any other non-commercial means of       █
▒ duplication between computer systems.                                       █
░                        * Please Copy Our Floppies *                         █
─  ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

If you wish to include this production on a CD-ROM disc or have an inquiry
about the WordUp Graphics Toolkit (WGT), contact us via email or postal
mail as instructed below.

──[contact·info]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─
█                                                                             ░
█ email: [email protected]                                           ▒
█ post:  Egerter Software                                                     ▓
█        94 Andover Drive                                                     █
█        London Ontario, N6J 3X2 CANADA                                       █
█ IRC: /msg GooRoo etc  (usually on #coders and #trax)                        █
█ FTP: x2ftp.oulu.fi pub/msdos/programming/wgt                                █
█ Maillists:                                                                  █
█                                                                             █
█ WGT-list: Discussion about the WGT libraries and game and graphics          █
█           programming in general.                                           █
█                                                                             █
█           Email [email protected] for info                          █
▒                                                                             █
░                                                                             █
─  ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

If you wish to include other Kosmic productions on a CD-ROM disc,
contact us via email or postal mail as instructed below.

──[contact·info]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─
█                                                                             ░
█ email: [email protected]                                                       ▒
█ post:  Kosmic c/o Area 51 Records                                           ▓
█        553 Thoreau Terrace                                                  █
█        Union, NJ 07083-9044 USA                                             █
█ IRC: /msg Maelcum etc                                                       █
█ WWW: http://kosmic.wit.com/~kosmic/                                         █
█      http://ftp.luth.se/pub/misc2/kosmic/www/ *currently down*              █
█ FTP: kosmic.wit.com /kosmic/songs/                                          █
█      ftp.luth.se /pub/misc2/kosmic *currently down*                         █
█ Maillists:                                                                  █
█                                                                             █
█ klf-list: Binaries mailing list, read-only. mailer must be able to handle   █
█           60k+ messages. all releases sent UUENCODED.                       █
█                                                                             █
█ klf-talk: Discussion list, free-to-air. talk with members of the group and  █
█           other music people.                                               █
█                                                                             █
█           to post: mail to [email protected]                        █
█                                                                             █
█ to subscribe: mail [email protected] with a message body of       █
█           subscribe klf-list Your Real Name                                 █
█           subscribe klf-talk Your Real Name                                 █
█                                                                             █
█ to unsubscribe: mail to the same with a message body of                     █
▓           unsubscribe <listname>                                            █
▒                                                                             █
░                                                                             █
─  ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

──[distro sites]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─  ─
█      Name                   Sysop           Number        Modem     ░
█                                                                             ▒
█                         · U n i t e d   S t a t e s ·                       ▓
█ WHQ Area 51 ................ Taz ............. +1·6o9·737·798o 288oo v34    █
█     Realm of Insanity ...... ? ............... +1·2o3·568·15o2 144oo v32    █
█     Synthetic Amusement! ... musicman ........ +1·41o·795·8526 144oo v32    █
█     Siege Sinister ServSynd. Malaclypse ...... +1·41o·747·oo95 144oo v32    █
█     The Cattle Kingdom ..... Wiz ............. +1·414·377·3129 144oo v32    █
█     Vektor ................. Phantazma ....... +1·6o2·892·6379 144oo v32    █
█     The Hierarchy BBS ...... Black Magik ..... +1·619·945·7417 144oo v32    █
█     Metro Holografix ....... The Finn ........ +1·619·277·9o16 144oo HST    █
█     Sushi Bar (Node 1) ..... Sushi X ......... +1·619·438·o114 288oo v(all) █
█               (Node 2) ....................... +1·619·438·2879 144oo v32    █
█     The Whammy Bar ......... Guitar .......... +1·7o8·941·7551 288oo VFast  █
█     GROUND ZER0 ............ Nemesis ......... +1·803·855·9848 216oo        █
█     The Eighth Note ........ Domino .......... +1·81o·656·8519 144oo v32    █
█     Manic Depression ....... Roach Clip ...... +1·818·44o·o166 192oo vterbo █
█     Chasm of Doom .......... Black Knight .... +1·9o4·668·6745 144oo v32    █
█     The Main Frame BBS ..... Hit Me .......... +1·914·557·3567 144oo v32    █
█     The Mach 5 BBS ......... Speed Racer ..... +1·319·355·7336 144oo v32    █
█     The Giftep Zone ........ Amaranth ........ +1·209·322·0712 288oo v34    █
█     Disembodied Voices .F.Sacrilege & Cardiac. +1·718·279·2766 288oo v34    █
█     cONNECT 3Oo .............Overflow ........ +1·4o7·774·8541 144oo v32    █
█                                                                             █
█                                · C a n a d a ·                              █
█  HQ WOW!(c) ................ Jaydee .......... +1·418·285·4838 144oo v32    █
█     Beats Per Minute ....... Terminator X .... +1·418·66o·8137 144oo v32    █
█     ModemLand(tm) .......... Hiro P .......... +1·3o6·652·4359 144oo v32    █
█     Rash Reflections ....... Coluche ......... +1·514·635·4o43 144oo v32    █
▓     Digital Dimensions BBS . NutCracker ...... +1·6o4·533·372o 144oo v32    █
▒     Westwood One Info Net .. Purple Haze ..... +1·6o4·944·o356 144oo v32    █
░     The Asylum ............. Wonko The Sane .. +1·613·831·1372 144oo v32    █
      Force Works ............ Rainmaker ....... +1·9o5·881·4290 144oo v32    █
░                 · A u s t r a l i a / N e w   Z e a l a n d ·               █
▒  HQ Liquid Metal ........... Chuck Biscuits ..  +61·7·2o1·5242 288oo VFast  █
▓     Mindflux ............... Force Format ....  +61·2·416·2513 288oo v34    █
█     KaOTiC ViSiONS ......... earwax ..........  +61·9·4o9·8157 192oo Zyxel  █
█     Absolute Zero .......... Statix ..........  +61·9·246·1107 144oo v32    █
█     Silicon Tattoo Node 1 .. Lawnmower Man ...  +64·9·626·5622 16.8k/14.4k  █
█                    Node 2 ....................  +64·9·626·5614 16.8k/14.4k  █
█                                                                             █
█                               · B e l g i u m ·                             █
█     The Sound Cave ......... NeON & GeSTaPo .. +32-89-65-83-92 192oo        █
█     The Sonic System ....... The Orme ........ +32-34-48-21-73 168oo Dual   █
█     Digital Fuse ........... Dr. Vibe ........ +32-2-757-07-76 288oo v34USR █
█                                                                             █
█                                · F r a n c e ·                              █
█  HQ A.C.E. ................. Gandalf ......... +33·1·45887548  144oo v32    █
█                                                                             █
█                               · G e r m a n y ·                             █
█  HQ Nightlife .............. Ragman .......... +49·6134·56256  288oo ?      █
█     " Node 2  .............. Ragman .......... +49·6134·52486  288oo ?      █
█     Last Resort ............ VegA ............ +49·2234·8o1715 288oo V.FC   █
█                                                                             █
█                                · I s r a e l ·                              █
█  HQ Bloody Cow ............. CowMan .......... +972-3-672-6871 144oo v32    ▓
█                                                                             ▒
█                                 · I t a l y ·                               ░
█  HQ Revenge Of Shadow ...... D.J. Skyjump .. +39-(0)-464-421890 192oo Zyxel
█     Side Effects ........... Killer Loop ... +39-(75)-572-5175  144oo v32
█                              · M a l a y s i a ·
█  HQ StarFire ............ Flame (Patrick Chin) +6-03-691-4450 192oo v32terbo
█     Data Alchemy ........... ///NeuroToxin\\\  +60-3-718-5003 192oo v32terbo
█                                                                             ░
█                           · N e t h e r l a n d s ·                         ▒
█  HQ The Supreme Court N1.... Steel ........... +31 165o 5185o  144oo v32    ▓
█                   Node 2 ..................... +31 165o 67577  288oo V.FC   █
█     Ultimate Force HQ ...... Mark de Groot ... +31·3o·287842   288oo V.FC   █
█     Powerplay .............. Delany .......... +31·38·549959   192oo Zyxel  █
█     Sunlite BBS ............ NightHawk ....... +31·4254·2949   288oo V.FC   █
█                                                                             █
█                                · R u s s i a ·                              █
▓    ViCE SQUAD ............. Drunkie ......... +7·o95·963·1693 144oo v32     █
▒       -Note board hours for ViCE SQUAD are 00:00-09:00 (GMT+3)-             █
░                                                                             █
                            · S c a n d i n a v i a ·                         █
░  HQ Weather Experience ..... copter .......... +358·o·8o92383  288oo v34    █
▒                                                                             █
▓                             · S i n g a p o r e ·                           █
█     1st Software House BBS . Dragon Head .....   +o65·294·7173 144oo v32    █
█         Node Two ........... Dragon Head .....   +o65·295·3296 144oo v32    █
█                                                                             █
█                           · S w i t z e r l a n d ·                         █
█     Blue Water BBS ......... Thorax .......... +41·81·947·4232 168oo Zyxel  █
█                                                                             █
█                        · U n i t e d   K i n g d o m ·                      █
█     PRiMaL DiSoRDeR ........ TuNG$TEN ........ +44·o·1628·74179 144oo v32   █
▓                                                                             █
▒    * If you are missing from the distro list or your board is down but      █
░      listed, etc... contact [email protected] with corrections.     █
─  ─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

		       ██ ▓▓ ▓▓▀██ ██▀▓▓ ██▀██▀▓▓ ▀▀ █▓▀▓▓
		       ██▄█▀ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄ ██ ▓▓ ██ ░░ ██
		       ██ ██ ██ ██ ▄▄ ██ ██ ▒▒ ██ ▒▒ ██ ░░
────────────────────── ▓▓ ██ ██▄▓▓ ▓▓▄██ ▓▓ ░░ ██ ▓▓ ██▄▓▓ ─────────────── ─  ─

Some interesting facts about the demo:

3D objects:
F15      - 504 points, 879 faces (gouraud texture mapped)
Red Mask - 488 points, 806 faces (gouraud) + phong palette
Human    - 965 points, 1630 faces (gouraud) + phong palette

Source code:
7819 lines of C (Watcom C/C++ 10.0)
175 lines of asm - Most of the low level routines were already taken care
		   of by WGT 5.0 and DSIK 2.0.  I can't say enough about
		   these products.

Approximate time to complete the demo:
2.5 weeks

Interactive Parts:
If you tap a key during the first voxel part you can use the following keys:

Arrows - Move
W      - Increase altitude
S      - Decrease altitude

During the vector spaceship approaching the earth:
Arrow  - Move camera
PGUP   - Raise camera
PGDN   - Lower camera
CTRL while the above keys will rotate the ship around each axis

If you tap a key during the second voxel part (with spaceship) you can use
the following keys:

Arrows - Move
W      - Increase altitude
S      - Decrease altitude
+      - increase movement speed
-      - decrease movement speed
R      - Rotate camera around the ship
F      - Rotate camera in opposite direction
UP     - Thrust ship forward
DOWN   - Thrust ship backward
CTRL and UP   - Zoom into ship
CTRL and DOWN - Zoom away from ship
PGUP   - Raise camera
PGDN   - Lower camera

During the seagull credit sequence:
F1     - Low ground detail
F2     - Medium ground detail
F3     - High ground detail