
8 ohms 7 by Sector 5

Short:        Come closer to the ascii scene! Read charts, interview, etc. here.
Author:       Sector5
Uploader:     Robert "Raptor" Szymanski <raptor2 polbox com>
Type:         demo/mag
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Action:       NoAGA, 2mbCHIP, nJOy!

8ohms is an ascii pack about ascii scene for the demo scene. You may always
find here interesting texts about ascii like interviews with well knokwn ascii
artists, the list of the most popular ascii artists around the world and of
course see great ascii colection! Can you belive it? Everything about ascii
scene in ONE FILE ARCHIVE??? No, it can't be... Yes, it is!!! Check this out!

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                                         :  s  e  c  t  o  r   5

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       :::: ::::                 :    8  o     o  h  m  s
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                                 :                      tF!/u'R!