
Shutdown by AnaLoG

┌─=≡[ STARTUP-SEQUENCE ]≡=─∙───-──────-───--─--────∙─--─-────--──-──-─∙─-───∙─┐
│                                                                             │
│       yeeep! another cool intro from AnaloG.. Shutdown intro was coded by   │
│   GOD.. This is our 4th intro on da scene.. look out for others..           |
|                                                                             ∙
|       Oki.. we coded a Disc-Mag and we need articles, clip-arts and         .
|   anything from you.. Send your stuff to us..
∙                                                                             ∙
.       AhH! our music disk 'TTT' will be release again due to a bug (uh oh)
    in Sound Blaster code.. MS! did the coding on his GUS, ignoring the SB    ·
∙   users Hell, he has a AWE32 but he doesn't use it.. f*ck..  if you have
    TTT in your archive, just delete it.. a fixed version will be released
·   soon, maybe TTT & TTT 2 can be released at the same time.. (sorry Whip,   ·
    MS! olm, senden baska kimsede GUS yok olm.. SB code'la sunu.. oyle yani..

·       BTW, we are looking for graphicians, musicians, modem traders, coders
    if you wanna join us, send an example of yours to us..          

┌─=≡[ ANALOG MEMBERS INFOS ]≡=-──--──-∙-──-────∙─-──--───-─∙─-─-───-─∙─-─-─-──┐
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             |
│ ■ MS! (Coder) ──∙-──∙──-─-───-────∙-─--──-────∙──-─-─-──-─-────∙───--──∙─── |
│      Ahana.. he is da founder.. himm.. a heavy, long haired metal dude!!    ∙
|   How to detect: He will be carrying a CD-Recorder and talking to himself.. ∙
|   Password: Do you have some MODs?
|                                                                             ·
| ■ GOD (Coder) ──∙-──∙──-─-─-──────────∙-─--──-──────∙───-─-────∙───--──∙───
∙      Himm.. Cool dude.. Longest Analog member.. Himm.. Look out for slide..
∙   How to detect: He will carrying a book titled 'How rays are traced?'
    Password: Did you ever coded in ModeX?                                    ·
  ■ WHIP (Musician) ──∙-──∙──-─-─--──-───∙─────∙───-─-─-──-─-────∙───--──∙───
       Ahana.. the best metal dude.. You must listen him while playing guitar.
    How to detect: If you can find his girl friend, you can find him..
·   Password: Aren't you the composer of First Light?

  ■ TMS (Musician+Graphician) ──∙-──∙──-─-─--──-──────────∙-─--──-──────∙───-
       Cool rapper.. (rap sux) He is in USA.. come back olm cabuk...
    How to detect: He will be hip-hop'ing everytime carrying a walkman and
		   a rap tape.
·   Password: Do you have any video-tapes?

  ■ MQB (Modem Trader) ──∙-──∙──-─-─--──-──────────∙-─--──-──────∙───-─-─-──-
       Nothing more to say.. He is as cool as me!.. :)
    How to detect: He can eat 5 times more than you and can still have some
		   space left for more..
    Password: Did you ever played Board Game/Mech Stuff?

  ■ STRANGER (ORGANIZER+Graphician) ─∙-──∙──-─-─--──-──────────∙-─--──-──────
       Ha he.. aa.. i'm cool.. :)
    How to detect: He will be carrying a disk in which there are the latest
		   issue of Link and his drawings.
    Password: Do you have a c64?

  ■ CEKIRGE (SysOp) ──∙-──∙──-─-─--──-──────────∙-─--──-──────∙───-─-─-──-─-─
       Weee loove youu...
    How to detect: He will be carrying Linux Bible on one hand, and on the
		   other hand there will be Merlin Install disks.
    Password: Which OS'es did you install lately?

┌─=≡[ CREDiTS ]≡=-──-──∙─-──-──-───-─-────∙───────-∙──--───∙───-──-────∙-──∙──┐
│                                                                             |
|   ■ Code       : GOD                                                        ∙
·   ■ Design     : GOD                                                        ·
·   ■ Gfx        : GOD, STRANGER
    ■ Music      : WHIP
·   ■ Font       : GOD

 ┌─=≡[ ANALOG WHQ MEMBER LiST ]≡=-──-─-────∙────────-∙──--───∙─────-────∙-────┐
 │                                                                            |
 |   ■ MS!        : cODer                                                     ·
 ∙   ■ GOD        : cODer, gRApHiCian, ascii artst                            ·
 ·   ■ TMS        : gRApHiCian, mUSiCian
     ■ MQB        : ModEM tRADer
 ·   ■ WHIP       : mUSiCian
     ■ CEKIRGE    : SysOp
     ■ STRANGER   : OrgANizEr, gRApHiCian

┌─=≡[ If you wanna contact us .. ]≡=--∙-──-────∙─-──---────-─∙─-───--─∙─-─-───┐
│                                                                             │
│  ■ send an e-mail              WHQ : [email protected]             |
│  ■ or contact da MF coders     GOD : [email protected]             |
│                                                                             ∙
|  ■ write to address ..                                                      .
|               STRANGER  (organizer)
|  Address   :  Sehitler Bulvari   No:59/7                                    ∙
∙               35540     Bostanli/IZMIR/TURKIYE
∙  Telephone :  +90-232-336 8148
∙               GOD  (coder)
   Address   :  Gozlukule Mah. Sunay Sok. Sen Apt.  No:1
                33440     Tarsus/ICEL/TURKIYE
·  Telephone :  +90-324-624 0664

                        ·∙o  tHE Sky haS No LiMit  o∙·