
iN THE MiST OF WEB by Tyler Durden

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  ╚╗┌┴─┤  │╚╡ └┤ └┤ │╞═╡   ├┴─┤ └┤ └┐╚╡  │ └┤╣│ ├┤│ ││ └┐╔
 ╩╦╩├┐ │ │╞╦╡ ┌┤ ││ ┌╞╗│ ││├┐ ├┐ │ ┌┤╬╡ ││ ┌┘╚╡   │ ┌┤ │╞╩╗
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  ╚╦╡                             ·-─────[DESCRiPTiON]──┤╠═╝
 ╚╦╝│                                                   ╞╝ ╗
  ╔╦╡ Hello there ! Today I'm presenting my new release ╞╦═╩╝
   ╝│ 1k OpenGL intro "iN THE MiST OF WEB". It's pretty │╝  ╗
 ╚╦╩╡ crappy, 'couse I want to wrote a simple starfield ╞═ ╔╝
 ╗ ╔╡ for my new OpenGL tutorial, but some lines, blur  ╞═╬╝
═╬═ │ and some other stuff have been added, so I've got ╞
 ╚═╦╡ this stupid "effect" ;) Some guy in Hugi (may be) ╞╬═╗
   ╝│ have been told that "you've to release everything │
  ╗ ╡ you wrote !" so I folow him in that idea and now  ╞╩═╣
╚═╩╗│ bothering you with another crappy 1K intro ;)     ╞  ╝
   ╚╡                                                   ╞╗
 ╚╦═╡                             ·-──────[GREETiNGS]───┤╚╦╣
╔═╣ ╡                                                   ╞╗
║ ╚ │ BiTL and his 7DUMP, Nuke, all the S!P demogroup   │  ╔
  ╔═╡ Broken Sword (yes, and "his own girl Vika" too ;) ╞╬═╣
╚═╩╗│ ViRUS, NoName, guys from planet-d.net for the web ╞
  ╗ │ space, pouet.net for the greatest demo-portal ever╞ ╚╗
╚╦╩═╡ scene.org.ru for the cool forum, Farlep for the $ ╞╗╔╝
 ╣ ╔╡ QyML and all the guys I've forgot to greet ;)     │╚╝
 ╝  │                                                   ╞ ╔
  ╠═╡                             ·-───────[CONTACTS]───╞╩╝
 ╚╩╗│                                                   ╞ ╔
╚═╦═╡ Feel free to cantact and send any feedback to the ╞╦╩═
 ╔╣╚╡                e-mail: [email protected] │╚═╦
  ╩╗│          web-site: http://www.tylerdurden.net.ru/ ╞ ╔╣
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