
Flying :: Falling wih style by Image!

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                                  :: FLYING ::
                       F a l l i n g  w i t h  s t y l e

                                    Flying :: Falling with style ║
    Welcome to the first demo by Image! VR Section.              ║
    Although the word 'demo' might not be in place for this      ║
    production, we atleast tried to give it a demo-style.        ║
    See for yourself, hope you like it.                          ║
    At Takeover we will try to deliver a true 3dfx demo.. :)     ║
    Please note that this demo either needs a 3dfx or a 3dfx2    ║
    to run. (and windows95/98)                                   ║
                                                          SPECS  ║
    OPTIMAL configuration:                                       ║
    iNTEL P2 266MHZ                                              ║
    Gravis Ultrasound (1024kb memory)                            ║
    SVGA video adapter (320x200), 16/24/32 bit                   ║
    32 MB ram                                                    ║
    3DFX accelerator and windhoos 95/98                          ║
                                    Minimal configuration:       ║
                                    iNTEL P166                   ║
                                    SVGA video adapter 16bit     ║
                                    32 MB ram                    ║
                                    3DFX accelerator and         ║
                                    windhoos 95/98               ║
                                                          IMAGE! ║
    Image!, as a group started off in late 1994, and has grown   ║
    to a group of close friends, whom all try to create          ║
    productions of an increasing quality. We will keep on trying ║
    to make the next production even better then the last untill ║
    it is time for us to move on and make place for the next     ║
    generation of dutch scene groups.                            ║
    We all love and believe in the scene, and we are proud to be ║
    part of this magicial world of fascination.                  ║
    Please do check our website's for further information about  ║
    our whereabouts! (URL stated below)                          ║
                                                       IMG! NEWS ║
    We welcome Bouncer to our team as musician. Also             ║
    Twinsen is now a new member of our coding division.          ║
    Other news is that we also released a new party-demo called  ║
    "2:43am".. Make sure you grab it!                            ║
    New website will be available soon at : www.imagenation.cx   ║
                                                 THE WORK OF ART ║
    Code...                                                      ║
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                              ║
    3d engine ................................. Cypher & Caveman ║
    Music...                                                     ║
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                              ║
    done by ...................................... Bassie        ║
    Graphics...                                                  ║
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                              ║
    Logos etc   .................................. Unique        ║
    ──────────────────────────┐                                  ║
    IMAGE! MEMBERS:           ╞══════════════════════════════════╩════════════╗
    ──────────────────────────┘                                               ║
      · Bassie                  Music                                         ║
      · Bouncer                 Music                                         ║
      · Cypher                  Code                                          ║
      · Fyr                     Code                                          ║
      · Qalien                  3D modelling                                  ║
      · Quicksilver             Organsing, code                               ║
      · Sprocket                Graphics                                      ║
      · The Peric               Music, Graphics                               ║
      · Twinsen                 Code                                          ║
      · Unique                  Graphics, music                               ║
      · Vision                  Code                                          ║
    ──────────────────────────┐                                               ║
    CONTACTING US             ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ──────────────────────────┘                                               ║
      If you wish to have more information about our whereabouts, then        ║
      please visit the magical world of WWW, ofcourse on internet.            ║
      You will find a lott of information there, up-to-date news, and         ║
      ofcourse all our productions. Give it a try!                            ║
      IMG! WWW site      - http://www.imagenation.cx                          ║
                              E-Mail at hand :                                ║
                  Bassie       - [email protected]                      ║
                  Bouncer      - [email protected]                       ║
                  Cypher       - [email protected]                            ║
                  Fyr          - [email protected]                                   ║
                  Sprocket     - [email protected]                  ║
                  The Peric    - [email protected]                        ║
                  Unique       - [email protected]                            ║
                  Qalien       - [email protected]                           ║
                  Quicksilver  - [email protected]                        ║
    ──────────────────────────┐                                               ║
    GREETINGS MUST FLY TO:    ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ──────────────────────────┘                                               ║
          Acme  Analogue  Destiny  Hatha  Infuse  Nostalgia  Quad             ║
           Superstition  SuccesS  The Black Lotus  Trepaan  Void              ║
    ──────────────────────────┐                                               ║
    DISCLAIMER:               ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ──────────────────────────┘                                               ║
         This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it            ║
         without restrictions for non-commercial use. No payment of           ║
         any kind may be charged for this product or any combination          ║
         of products or services including this product without our           ║
         authorization and official written license. Commercial use,          ║
         especially the industrial manufacturing on any data storage          ║
         media and their distribution without the expressed                   ║
         permission of the producer, is strictly prohibited. This             ║
         program or the data files contained therein may not be               ║
         altered or modified without the permission of the author.            ║
         You take full responsibility for the operation of this               ║
         software and any consequences thereof. We the creators               ║
         cannot accept liability for damages or failures arising from         ║
         the use of this software.                                            ║
    ──────────────────────────┐                                               ║
    IMAGE! RELEASES:          ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ──────────────────────────┘                                               ║
    Since November 1994 we have been active in the scene and we have managed  ║
    to create the following productions:                                      ║
    ────────────────────────────────────┐                                     ║
    [1994]  --- The scene, what's that? ╞═════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────────────────────┘                                     ║
    ■ PRODIGAL.ZIP  -   119kb - 26-10-94                                      ║
      "Prodigal", an intro. In fact our first production ever under the       ║
      image! label.                                                           ║
    ────────────────────────────────────┐                                     ║
    [1995]  --- Just heating up         ╞═════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────────────────────┘                                     ║
    ■ IMG_ANCR.ZIP  -   509kb - 13-04-95 - X'95 - 5th place Demo.             ║
      "Ancient Routines", our demo for X95. Kinda nice although things        ║
      got messed up at the compo.                                             ║
    ■ VAGUE   .ZIP  -   103kb - 23-04-95 - X'95                               ║
      "The Vague Spheres", Dark Justice's musicial contribution for X95.      ║
    ■ IMG_WELL.ZIP  -   130kb - 07-07-95                                      ║
      "Get-wello", a cheer-up intro for vision. Cute!                         ║
    ■ IMG_SKUL.ZIP  -    35kb - 09-07-95 - SIH'95                             ║
      "Skull", a graphicial contribution to SIH95 by unique.                  ║
    ■ SPOONFIN.ZIP  -   439kb - 09-07-95 - SIH'95                             ║
      "Spoon - final version", a demo for SIH95, underrated if you ask us     ║
      (probably because it crashed at the big screen).                        ║
    ■ DSGV1-3 .ZIP  - Dutch Scene Groups listing issues 1,2 and 3             ║
      "Dutch Scene Groups", a small infofile/magazine to gather the dutch     ║
      scene together.                                                         ║
    ■  4NOMORE.ZIP  -     4kb - 09-09-95 - Bizarre'95 - 2nd place 4kb.        ║
      "4 No More", a 4kb intro by Fyr.                                        ║
    ■ IMG_MARY.ZIP  -    55kb - 10-09-95 - Bizarre'95 - 2nd place Intro.      ║
      "Mary Poppins", a 64kb intro. Featuring lovely chicks, and the one and  ║
      only mary herself !                                                     ║
    ■ INSIGHT1.ZIP  - 1,082kb - 19-12-95                                      ║
      "Insight issue #1", a full featured diskmagazine. Released under the    ║
      Insight label (image! & the clan)                                       ║
    ────────────────────────────────────┐                                     ║
    [1996]  --- Just cooling down       ╞═════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────────────────────┘                                     ║
    ■ IMG_BBB .ZIP  -    54kb - 07-04-96 - X'96 - 2nd place Intro.            ║
      "Big Blond Bitch", a 64kb intro. Nice design combined with fast code    ║
      and neat graphics.                                                      ║
    ■ IMG_X25 .ZIP  -   341kb - 07-04-96 - X'96 - 5th place Demo.             ║
      "X-25", a small demo which was an intro but due to regulations we were  ║
      forced to turn it into a demo. Code by vision & quicksilver (the guys   ║
      that normally don't code an entire production ;)                        ║
    ■ INS_FRC .ZIP  -    55kb - 07-04-96 - X'96 - 5th place Intro.            ║
      "Forces", a 64kb 3D intro by Fyr (code), unique (graphics) and          ║
      the peric (music). Released under the Insight Label for party           ║
      regulations.                                                            ║
    ■ ZWEMBAND.ZIP  -     9kb - 10-09-96 - Bizarre'96 - 2nd place 4kb.        ║
      "Zwemband", a co-op 4kb by fyr and Sentinel/Infuse.                     ║
    ────────────────────────────────────┐                                     ║
    [1997]  --- Graduation Tour         ╞═════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────────────────────┘                                     ║
    ■ APNI    .ZIP  -     4kb - 08-04-97 - X'97 TakeOver - 2nd place 4kb.     ║
      "APNI: Another Pentium Needed Intro", a 4kb intro by Fyr. Which         ║
      just happens to be quite good!                                          ║
    ■ IMG_DELI.ZIP  -    63kb - 08-04-97 - X'97 TakeOver - 4th place Intro.   ║
      "Delirious", a 64kb intro. Fast paced music with crispy effects.        ║
      A must get! Code by Cypher & The Russian, music by Corvo.               ║
    ■ IMG_PPL .ZIP  -   978kb - 08-04-97 - X'97 TakeOver                      ║
      "People", our first production which can be called a real full-lenght   ║
      demo. Code by Fyr, graphics by Sprocket, Unique and Quicksilver,        ║
      music by Bassie, additional support/ideas by Sto.                       ║
    ■ IMG_DEVO.ZIP  -    58kb - 15-09-97 - Bizarre'97                         ║
      "Devotion", a 64kb which was quite underrated (again), this time due    ║
      to the fact that no music was played during the compo and because it    ║
      wasn't exactly finished ;).                                             ║
      Code/Music/Gfx/Texts by Fyr.                                            ║
    ────────────────────────────────────┐                                     ║
    [1998]  --- "Show me the money"     ╞═════════════════════════════════════╣
    ────────────────────────────────────┘                                     ║
    ■ IMG_DEL3.ZIP  -  1,528kb - 06-03-98 - TakeOver'98 - 3rd Place demo.     ║
      "Delirious 3", another full length demo. Coded by Vision, Alkha and     ║
      Mr.Aurum. Graphics by Unique & Sprocket, music by G-Day/Quad.           ║
      Image! goes "Back to basic" and gives 2D another try, this time with a  ║
      blend of funky design.                                                  ║
    ■ IMG_DEL4.ZIP  -  1,900kb - 13-09-98 - Evoke'98                          ║
      "Delirious 4", our next offspring in the delirious series. Code by      ║
      Vision, Cypher, Quicksilver and Alkha. Music and Graphics by Unique.    ║
      Best digested with a chill of Elasticity.                               ║
    ──────────────────────────┐                                               ║
    N O T E :                 ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════╣
    ──────────────────────────┘                                               ║
      No special note this time.                                              ║