
tiny tunes 1 by just for fun [web]

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                            TiNy Tunes volume 1				   

		code...............................Judge Miguel

We are.....

  -ATeN                 coder, gfx artist       *France*
  -Ed                   gfx artist              *France*
  -King ValJeaN         coder                   *France*
  -HeaLeR               coder, mail swapper     *France*             
  -Judge MiGUeL         coder                   *France*
  -daLWiN               zikos                   *France*
  -exocet               GfX artist              *France*
  -BENJi                Zikos                   *France*
  -WiZarD               coder                   *France*
  -Gatekeeper           Zikos                   *Denmark*
  -White Stallion       coder   *NEW*           *France*
  -Yellow Sky           coder   *NEW*           *France*
  -Goupil Brother       coder   *NEW*           *France*        

You call....

		       │                    │                   │           │
	    A.C.E      │   Gandalf/Pulse    │ +33-1-4588-7548   │ World HQ  │
		       │                    │ +33-1-4588-8809   │           │
					    │ +33-1-4588-7799   │           │
		       │                    │                   │           │
	   FLooDLanD   │    patriot/bomb    │ +33-902-883-42    │ EuRoPe HQ │
					    │ +33-902-874-83    │           │
		       │                    │                   │           │
	   EQUALIZER   │ ThoRiN /ReVeLatioN │ +33-(0)1-45251923 │ FReNCH HQ │
					    │ +33-(0)1-45251131 │           │
					and lot's others

You are.....
			   ArkhaM Deus DubiuS D-ZonE Eclipse Exmortis KnightS 
			    Live! Pulse The UltImate ReVeLatioN Sympathy TFP!
			Kezax Senser Asie-Fou Oxyd Daliath Eclipse Guy Thorin

We made.....

 JFF-INTR.zip  : first intro by White Easter
 JFF-INT2.zip  : second intro  by Aten & White Easter
 JFF-JCKT.zip  : very little demo by Judge Miguel & King Valjean
 JFF-POM!.zip  : designed intro! (for the VOLCANIC I)
 JFF-CALL.zip  : BBs intro for Direct Connection!
 JFF-TIC.zip   : BBs intro for Equalizer.
 JFF-BED.zip   : something like video...(CENSORED CAUSE XXX RATED)
 JFF-GASP.zip  : the report of the GASP party, released at the party place!
 JFF-bbs3.zip  : bbs intro for direct connection #2
 JFF-CHIC.zip  : a Champignon-bugged intro...
 JFF-ZZZZ.zip  : various unplugged phong torus.
 JFF-REST.zip  : Kezax's intro for Volcanic 2
 JFF-CYB.zip   : Cyborg demo, #2 at Volcanic 3 !!!!
 JFF-NOZR.zip  : a lame fast-intro for Volcanic 3...
 JFF-OFF.zip   : a tank fast action 2 players game for free

Last but not least.....
	     contact Judge Miguel at [email protected]

Visit the net.....

Last words....
	Always remember the advice of the old sages:
			    "May the fun be with you"