
Ninefour by Profuse

    $$$$²$Ss. $$$$²$Ss. .sS$²$Ss. $$$$²$$▒$ $$$$ $$$$ .sS$²$Ss. $$▒$²$$$$
    $$▒$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $▒$$ $$$$ ²²²' $▒$$ $$$$ $▒$$sssss $$$$
    $$$$ $$$$ $$▒$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$sss   $$$$ $$$$ ,,,, $$$$ $$$$sss
 $$$	²  ,d$	  ² .,d$    $	 $    sss$$$	$    $	  $    $    sss$$$$
 $$$	$$$$$$	  $   `$b,. ² .,d$    $$$$$$b,. ² .,d$b., ² .,d$	$$$

			  [ n i n e f o u r ]
			 [ c o n t e s t 9 9 ]
			      [ d e m o ]

	 effect coding & photoshop stuff: hager (biczó andrás)
	 music composing & textures: belfegor (palkó péter)
	 picture drawing: immortal rat (lóránt demeter j.)
	 3d object modelling: oc (rábolt oszkár)

  n i n e f o u r

    this demo was originally planned to be released at jumper98, but we ran
    out of time. now it is ready. hope you like. feedbacks are welcome.
    if you get black screen or something strange -> /fix.
    should you want to setup you soundcard manually -> /setup.
    if rgb-bgr autodetection fails (f.e. if the first logo is blue) then
     you should manually set rgb or bgr -> /rgb or /bgr

  m e m b e r s

    belfegor	 [music.....81].[[email protected]]
    hager	 [code......82].[[email protected]]
    immortal rat [gfx.......82].[[email protected]]
    leffinen	 [music.gfx.80].[[email protected]]
    oc		 [trace.....82].[[email protected]]

 s t u f f z

    name	 [party.what].[place].[whoisinvolved?]

    habitual	 [jumper97.demo].[not shown].[hager.belfegor.immortalrat]
    desolate	 [rage98.256b intro].[#10].[hager]
    bed 	 [antiq98.1k intro].[#2].[hager]
    slipshod	 [antiq98.demo].[#3].[hager.belfegor.immortalrat.oc.ezah/dma]
    yellow	 [jumper98.256b intro].[#4].[hager]
    ninefour     [contest99.demo].[  ].[hager.belfegor.immortalrat.oc]

 g r e e t s

   android's dream, anti lamer league, astral, astroidea, autopsy,
   black rainbow, contract, cryogen, dark eden, dilemma, dinasty, exceed,
   inquisition, interror, ipc, korozone, melancholy, newcomers, nymph, nwo,
   pengo, platoon, relentless, revelation, rhyme, role, royal pc.

 c o n t a c t

   [hager.snail]     [belfegor.snail]	[immortal rat.snail]
   biczó andrás      palkó péter	lóránt demeter j.
   szekszárd	     szekszárd		békésszentandrás
   alisca 32 2/18    flórián 5		szent imre 5
   7100 hungary      7100 hungary	5561 hungary

   [hager.phone]=74.312492  [immortal rat.phone]=66.311689