
Karate Fighter Demo-Script by Mankind [web]

Short:    Nowadays Demomaker using scripts. (now 3d and work on mos.)
Author:   http://www.m4nkind.com (03/2004)
Uploader: [email protected]
Version:  0.99
Type:     demo/aga

 This is just an aminet spread of the public karate engine
 you can also upload on www.k-fighter.net

 This is spread Number 4 (20.03.2004) !!!
                         ________\         |m4nkind _ _
                  _ _____\        \--      |»»»»»»»»///
 .::::    /|/»»:       |                            » »»|»»» »  :»»\|\    ::::.
 :: ░\   / |/»»   _____  [ Karate Demo-Script Fighter ]          »»\| \   /░ ::
 `___'__/  /     /    /_____________________________________________\  \__`___'
 / .____8 /____ /    /__    \ ____    \ ____    \          / ______/ \ 8____. \
/ / :8/  / |: |/    /: |\.   \|: |\    \|: |\.   \___  ___/   __>___  \  \8: \ \
\ \/ /__/  |  /   _/|  |_\    \  |/   _/|  |_\    \ |  |  \.        \  \__\ \/ /
 \__/__/   |__\.   \|__| /    /__|\.   \|__| /    / |  |   \_\.     /   \__\__/
 //|   | ======\____/===/____/=====\____/===/____/==|  |======\____/=== |   |\\
 \\|   |            ___                             |                   |   |//
  »| : |    _______/  / ________    |  |__________________________      | : |»
   |   |   / _____/\ / / ______/___ |  |         / ______/____    \     |   |
   |   |  /   __> |»»|/  \__  ||: |_|  |___  ___/   __>___|: |\    \    |   |
   |___|  \.   \  |  |\.   |  ||   _   |  |  |  \.        \  |/   _/    |___|
    | |    \.  /  |__| \____  ||  | |__|  |  |   \_\.     /__|\.   \_    | |
    `::' ===\_/============|__||  |=======|  |======\____/=====\____/== `::'
                               |             |
           _  __ _ ____|__                          _ __|____ _ __  _
                         /________/--      |________\\\
                                 /_________|bLa.2oo2» »
                                 \         |_

 So this is STILL a Karate Beta Version, "User" package,
 but version 1.0 should come quickly now.

 YOU CAN spread. Works,suggestions and most of all BUGG REPORTS
 are welcome !!! [email protected]

 Karate is a demo Script engine used to run demo on
 a lot of amiga, from 68030 aga with no FPU to
 68060 or UAE amiga with Cybergraphics. it uses
 simple text scripts to define the whole demo. it's xml-HTML

---- Differences between spread 4(20/03/2004) and spread3: ---

 In the pack:
    - the k3d.Fx first version has been added, providing a full
       3D engine with many features !
       A complete directory for 3D tutorials was also added.

    - parameter BounceOn added, it's like bounce but it bounces on and on.

 In the code:
    - The angles passed to SetCamCoord and some stuffs had changed:
      Consider now 1.0 = Pi = 180░. It means you will have
      to make minor modifications to your previous scripts.
      I swear it will never change again :-).

    - minor corrections. text parser has partially been rewritten and
      now use less memory. A bug was found in dbm.fx, and it seems ok now.

    - The plugins interface has changed: it means you can't mix
     old .Fx with new karate and vice versa. If you launch an old karate
     demo, then a new karate version just after, use command 'avail flush'
     between, to avoid old '.library' persistence.
     BUT NOW CONSIDER IT IS FINAL. Whole Karate Source code and a plugin
     devkit may be released in the coming month.