
codename chinadoll by katastro.fi [web]

			codename chinadoll

	graphics, 3d and editing

			jani isoranta  - [email protected]


			lassi nikko - [email protected]
			mikko karvonen - [email protected]


			janne kontkanen - [email protected]

	surrender 3d:

			hybrid holding ltd.

			[email protected]


	this demo was done in august 1999. 
	due to ill circumstances, namely passing away of the coder, the demo 
	never was able to take it's final form and it's still "as it was" and there's 
	nothing we could do about it. what this means is that the demo takes 
	up to something like 20mb unpacked. this could not be mended by 
	virtually anyone else but the coder as you might know, so here goes.
	the problem is basically that we have no packing whatsoever. that
	wouldn't normally be too big of a problem but in this case we're only 
	able to use unpacked 32bit .tga's and that is quarter of a meg each. this 
	here makes it a problem.
	it packs to ~7mb with zip with that 4mb mp3 so that should tell you 
	something about the waste of space here. but what can we do..
	If this extra 10mb or so ruins the experience for you then we are sorry
	but there was no other way, otherwise this demo would've never get
	out to the fans worlwide yo.
	the engine and shit is already a little outdated and could experience 
	atleast some problems with newer hardware. 
	if the screen seems too dark to you then you can change the gamma
	value (after -g) in demo*.bat to a direction or another. it works the opposite 
	ways with d3d and glide, beats me why.