
Posh by Checkpoint [web]

                OPT D-
                OUTPUT 'DEMO.PRG'
                PART ' demo '
;                      Dresden, Germany  12h May 2003 /
;                                                   /
; posh_rv1.zip                                     /
;     posh_rv1.msa   (80tracks/9sectors/2sides)   /
;     posh_rv1.txt                               /
;     fileid.diz                                 \
;                                                 \
;                                                 /
;                                                /
;              Posh!                            /\_
;              Release Version 1.              /  /\
;                                              \_/ /
;              An Atari ST demo by Checkpoint! / \/
;                                                \ \
;                 machine: Atari 1040ST/1MB RAM   \/
;                 http://checkpoint.atari.org \
;              Posh!
;              Release Version 1.
;              An Atari ST demo by Checkpoint!
; First intended for the STNICCC 2000.
; Abandoned because of bugs and crap.
; Finally finished for the Error In Line 3 party
; in 2003. First place in the Atari ST democompetition.
; Read the endscroller for credits, more information and bullshit and greetings.
; (just after Jasmin finished smoking.. around 1:30 minutes -
;  or press Space or F1,F2,...,F10  to make her stop smoking.)
; Why Release Version 1  ?
;  The version shown in the compo was crap.
;  This one is a bit better.
;  Nevertheless.. there was only 2 weeks to release the
;  final version.  Now it's 3 (or 4?) weeks later.
; stuff that is still missing:
;   - design  (who cares)
;   - a picture by ST SURVIVOR (I'm very sorry about that -
;                  I'll try to include it in the final
;                  version.  I was short of time and short of diskspace.  :(
;   - the MONOCHROME screen  (yes.. really sad it's not here yet.)
;   - a protection  (mhh.. bla.)
;   - Atari Falcon compatibility (yes - the final version should be for the
;                                 Falcon too..)
;   - a part selector  (very useful)
; Anyway it depends on you how fast a final version will be made.
; If there will be no or at least very little feedback - the motivation
; will drop to almost ZERO. (this affects any other Atari stuff by Checkpoint
; too..   coding is fun - but if there's no one left interested in ATARI ST
; stuff - IT'S SENSELESS releasing anything.)
; Leave a message..  flames.. suggestions..  But at least show
; some feedback (positive as well as negative ones are welcome)
; web:   http://checkpoint.atari.org
; mail:  [email protected]
; insert the demo disk and start.
                clr.l   -(SP)
                move.w  #$0020,-(SP)
                trap    #1
                move    #$2700,SR
                sf      $00000426.w
                movea.l $00000004.w,A0
                jmp     (A0)