
forward by Komplex [web]

 forward :: komplex 

successfully tested on following platforms

-win95/win98/nt4 + ie4/ie3/ns4/jdk1.02/jdk1.1.5/jpp1.1.5
-redhat linux 5.0 + jdk1.1.3/ns4
-sun netra1 + jdk1.1.5

feel free to report problems / successful runs on other platforms.

running in browser

just open index.html

running from command line

using java (jdk):
> java -mx99999999 forward [command line options]

using jview (windows+ie):
> jview forward [command line options]

using jdk appletviewer:
-does not work. forward requires more than 16Mb memory.

command line options
"nosound 1" disables sound
"1x1 1" sets forward in 1x1 pixel mode

example. run forward with nosound and in 1x1 pixel mode:
> jview forward nosound 1 1x1 1

contact komplex
mailto:[email protected]

have fun!