Dusken by Oxygen [web]
. . : : - dusken - !!! ! ! !!! ! !! !! !!! an oxygen experience in 1995 + + + + +__ ++ + + + + .$..$.$..$....$.$.$..$.$..$..$.................. . . . . . --###--###-###--#--#--###-#--#-------------------.-..-. .-.. .-.. .-. ==---==---=---==-==-==---=-==-===================-=--=-.-=--.-=--.. .-=-. -.--.-.--.----.-.-.--.-.--.--.-------------------.-..-. .-.. .-.. .-. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. ..... . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _/\\ This will probably win the award for =/ \|__ the most ascii-laden doc file in the -/ _\__ _ \_ history of computing, and that's a -/- \ ~-v _\\ bit different, isn't it ? People -|> ___) / _~~. don't do many music disks with only 4 -/- __ <_'' \_.= / channels basically any more, do they -'.-~~~-\_\_/ - | ? This is probably the last of its -/- ---...__.~ -" kind, unless some retro-boom /- -" overtakes the PC scene and people . -/- _..____..._.~ begin to write 4 channel mods again. .~/ -|- / / Those days are gone for all but a - / -/_ | few, and I'm one of the few. Not / < -/ / having the hardware to move up to the / | / | world of S3Ms, XMs and the like, I'm | \ - /- stuck in my catatonic little world of \ ~---~ |> \ four eight-bit channels. Not having -_ > | the money to upgrade my computer, I'm ~-..___ // one of the remaining musicians who's \ | been left behind in the world. Far | \ from stagnating in it though, I \ | became used to the idea of /- / constriction. Beginning to realise / - - that all those channels were out of -| -| / my reach, I decided to explore the / / / range of sounds I could fill those \ \ < channels with. There were things | | L missing from modules that went, taken - /\- \ for granted, in the real world. = | \ \ Lyrics. for one. And then there \ \ \ \ were sounds that nobody had ventured | --\ | --\ to slot in anywhere. I explored the <__\\\<___\\\ sounds more, and found that anything could be anything. The mouth could become a drumkit, the vocal cords strings. Sound was my partner in life. Then I chucked all that hippy shit over my shoulder, flipped the bird at whoever had their head turned my way to see me, and went on to make a name for myself not as someone with the ability to impress people with technique, but the imagination to impress people with originality. I found people that didn't follow my example, but were impressed nonetheless with what I had to give them to listen to. And so it went on from there. Eventually one of my friends decided that I was keeping my produce too well hidden, and thus 'dusken' was born. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------------------------. |info sector: oxygen | lost, :-----------------------------------------------------: in the middle of | | the night, |Oxygen AudioVisual was founded in April 1994 from | |the ashes of a group called FirE. The original | no hope for you. |members were Jedi, Unique(-One), Kitsune, Get Merry, | |Dead Ringer, and ToneDef. Our aim was to get the | lost, |demo scene in Perth and Australia alive a bit more. | not a ray of light. |The ANSI scene was dying slowly, and new groups | |began to rise and fall. The elite scene decided to | no hope for you. |have a party in July - by then Dead Ringer had left, | |and we'd gained Statix and Refract (later becoming | sometimes, ya know, |X-Cell, then Excel). Around the release of | gotta step back. |'Cyanide' - our first demo, which we won a nice Star | |Trek board game for making - there was a lot of | sometimes, ya know, |friction between the demo-dedicated half and the | gotta step back. |scene-dedicated half. Unique-One wanted a scene | |groOp that wrote 3lit3 d00rs and ut!lz, while I | somewhere, |wanted a group that produced quality demos. In | at the edge of the |between the week when we wrote "Cyanide" at an | sky, |all-week gathering, and the party, we decided to | |tell Unique what he could do with himself. He took | i'll guide you |his plans elsewhere, and was heard from only to | through. |behave like an upstart. Of course, giving Oxygen | |members unrestricted downloading access on any board | somewhere, |with lots of goodies to be had is a bad idea, and | at the edge of the |both Excel and Unique-One found this out the hard | sky, |way. Unique-One's association with Oxygen ended | |quite abruptly, while Excel's fizzled out to | i'm there for you. |nothing. We eventually elicited the help of | |Mantissa <later Swing> and Trash <later JJJ, then | sometimes, ya know, |Jase> and pulled another all-week-er, after which | gotta step back. |"Tedium" was released. Sometime before this, | |however, Jedi managed to score a second place | sometimes, ya know, |<behind Trash> in MC2's rookie divison wih his song | gotta step back. |"Deliverance". Trash joined after taking out the | |first place in the rookie division. By then, all | - from 'StepBack' |members were on the Net except me <Kitsune>. I had | |to wait until I got to Uni to get a free account. | written June? 1994 |<grin> The next release we had was a long-overdue | by Kitsune |intro for "Star BBS" (which went offline permanently | |as far as we're aware - Jedi released it out of | probably the first |cheek at anyone who was complaining that Oxygen | original mod made |never released anything). Then I changed my handle | which made |a few times (kitwolf (lame), BlackWolf (taken), then | extensive use of |to Raphael Blackwolf) and everything settled down a | sampled lyrics. |bit, aside from Jase winning MC3's veteran division | |with a massive orchestral tune the name of which :--------------------- |escapes me. Here's what you end up with after all | |that. No member roles have been added, since we | |swap jobs around a lot. | `-----------------------------------------------------' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- info sector: running this musicdisk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To run this musicdisk you will require a few things: * a 386 or higher computer * VGA compatible video card * about 2 megs of RAM * a 512k Gravis Ultrasound, (44khz 16-bit stereo) or a SoundBlaster compatible soundcard (mono 8-bit only) * an open mind Basically, make sure you have a valid ULTRASND= or BLASTER= environment variable and run it. If you have problems or want to fiddle with the various command line options, type: dusken -? If you have a problem, boot as plain DOS without any memory managers and try again. Try running ULTRINIT if your GUS doesnt respond. If all else fails then mail us with a description of the problem. The actual music files (.s3m format) are included so you can play them using your favourite player if all else fails... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- info sector: major releases ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dos (electronic programmers tar): product talent description -------------------------------------------------------------------------> cyanide.zip rb/jd/stx/xc Cyanide Demo for the PC - won the 1994 C-Party cyndptch.zip stx Cyanide Patch for Lame Sound Cards (SB et al) starp100.zip jd/stx Starplayer - Best S3M player for the GUS yet. startro.zip jd/rb/stx BBS Loader for Star BBS tedium.zip jd/rb/stx An intro about its title - tedium. starp200.zip jd Starplayer - MOD file support, 100% click free starp201.zip jd Starplayer - DMA to dump samples, pan bug fix starp202.zip jd Starplayer - quick version 2.01 crash bug fix starp203.zip jd Starplayer - continuous play feature plus more starp210.zip jd Starplayer - new soundblaster support! starp211.zip jd Starplayer - improved soundblaster mixing starp212.zip jd Starplayer - MTM support and VU-bars starp220.zip jd Starplayer - 64 modules, load from shell, menus! starp221.zip jd Starplayer - alphabetical filename sorting starp222.zip jd Starplayer - support for playlist files dusken.zip jd/rb Dusken Musicdisk - 6 songs by Raphael BlackWolf other interesting releases: product talent description -------------------------------------------------------------------------> r-delivr.zip jd Deliverance. 2nd Placed Rookie Entry in Music Contest ][. My Child jd Module part of 'expOZe', australian music disk. After Sunset jase Module part of 'expOZe', australian music disk. ????????.XM jase 1st placed vetran module in Music Contest ]I[ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- info sector: contact details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: jedi [email protected] -or- [email protected] raphael [email protected] -or- [email protected] jase [email protected] swing [email protected] statix [email protected] world wide web: http://peace.wit.com/~komsic/oxygen, or perhaps http://www.it.com.au/oxygen/ official ftp: ftp://peace.wit.com/kosmic/oxygen/ mailing list: mail to [email protected] with a body of 'subscribe listname your name' with the lists of: oxygen-list announcements of the latest oxygen things oxygen-talk discussion of oxygen matters i.e. subscribe oxygen-list bill gates ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- info sector: 'Psychosis' lyrics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- trapped in a box * a box of pain * wrecking my body * going insane * no way out * no way in * caught in a web * of endless sin * touch my skin * hurt my soul * take my wits and regain control * nothing but black * as far as I can see * who remains ? * none but me * I'm unique * one of a kind * pull my trigger * blow my mind * touch my skin * hurt my soul * take my wits and regain control * I like it here * I want to stay * don't let them take it all away * touch my skin * hurt my soul * take my wits and regain control * now I'm dead * life is gone * still don't know what the fuck went wrong * touch my skin * hurt my soul * take my wits and regain control * touch my skin * hurt my soul * take my wits and regain control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- info sector: Butter and Cheese translation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haluaisin voita ja juustoa - I would like butter and cheese ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- shouts out to: heretics, werewolves everywhere and people who care. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** FATAL ERROR 69 : someone kicked the plug out again Connection terminated.
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