
Memento Mori by Genesis Project [web]

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                       ...:::]   MEMENTO MORI   [:::...

                          RELEASED AT FUNCTION 2020

│  ■ CREDITS ■                                                              │
│                                                                           │
│    >   SIDE 1                                                             │
│        Directory Art:                 Ksubi                               │
│        Music:                         MCH                                 │
│                                       Psych858o                           │
│                                                                           │
│        Skull Zoomer Basic fader                                           │
│        Code:                          Ksubi                               │
│        Petscii:                       Ksubi                               │
│                                                                           │
│        Sparkle splash screen:                                             │
│        Code:                          Ksubi                               │
│        Graphics:                      Ksubi                               │
│        Original graphics:             Sparta                              │
│                                                                           │
│        Rotating Tunnel                                                    │
│        Code:                          Sparta                              │
│        Font:                          Razorback                           │
│                                                                           │
│        Rotating GP logo                                                   │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Graphics:                      JonEgg                              │
│                                                                           │
│        "Presents" screen                                                  │
│        Code:                          Sparta                              │
│        Font:                          Sparta                              │
│                                                                           │
│        Large Swinging MM logo                                             │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Graphics:                      Facet                               │
│                                                                           │
│        All Border DYPP                                                    │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Graphics:                      JonEgg                              │
│        Font:                          Ksubi                               │
│        Text:                          Winston Churchill                   │
│                                                                           │
│        The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse                                │
│        Graphics:                      Razorback                           │
│                                                                           │
│        Turn Disk DYPP                                                     │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Graphics:                      Raistlin                            │
│                                                                           │
│    >   SIDE 2:                                                            │
│        Directory Art:                 Ksubi                               │
│        Music:                         Stinsen                             │
│                                       Steel                               │
│        Odin Quote                                                         │
│        Font:                          Ksubi                               │
│                                                                           │
│        Large Scaling DYPP                                                 │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Font:                          Ksubi                               │
│        Text:                          Rainer Maria Rilke                  │
│                                                                           │
│        Hourglass                                                          │
│        Code:                          Ksubi                               │
│        Graphics:                      JonEgg                              │
│        Sprite animation:              Ksubi                               │
│                                                                           │
│        Plot Skull                                                         │
│        Code:                          Sparta                              │
│        Graphics:                      Facet                               │
│                                                                           │
│        All Border Double DYPP                                             │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Font:                          Ksubi                               │
│        Text:                          Epictetus                           │
│                                                                           │
│        Plasma Window                                                      │
│        Code:                          Sparta                              │
│        Graphics:                      Facet                               │
│                                                                           │
│        Skull                                                              │
│        Graphics:                      Facet                               │
│                                                                           │
│        Turn Disk Greetings Scroller                                       │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│        Graphics:                      Facet                               │
│        Fonts:                         Sparta                              │
│        Sprites:                       Ksubi                               │
│                                                                           │
│    >   SIDE 3                                                             │
│        Directory Art:                 Ksubi                               │
│        Music:                         Xiny6581                            │
│                                                                           │
│        Dr. Seuss Quote                                                    │
│        Font:                          Ksubi                               │
│                                                                           │
│        Vertical Side Border Bitmap Scroller                               │
│        Code:                          Raistlin                            │
│                                       Sparta                              │
│        Graphics:                      Razorback                           │
│        "Ah! Sun-Flower" poem:         William Blake                       │
│                                                                           │
│        Loader:                        Sparta                              │
│                                                                           │
│        Linking:                       Raistlin                            │
│                                       Sparta                              │
│                                                                           │
│        Organising committee:          hedning                             │
│                                       Ksubi                               │
│                                       Raistlin                            │
│                                       Sparta                              │
│  ■ RELEASE NOTES ■                                                        │
  This demo has been an ongoing project for about a year and was initially
  planned for X2020. We did keep some more or less hidden references in it
  to remember that. However, Function suited us perfectly in both size,
  feeling and timing. We hope that you who are there enjoy our efforts. The
  demo is dedicated to all lost sceners, family and friends, especially
  those lost in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
  Special thanx to ZoOlon for helping us out with the pro video capture.

                                                    / Genesis Project 2020

│  ■ GENESIS MEMBERS ■                                                      │
│     acrouzet, Akira, Alien, Brandon Walsh, Black Beard, bob, Chromag,     │
│  celticdesign, dLx, Dymo, Facet, Hardy, hedning, HJE, Illmidus, JonEgg,   │
│       Kobi, Ksubi, L.A.Style, Magervalp, MCH, Merlin, Mermaid,            │
│   Metalux, Norrland, One-Eyed Pirate, Optic Freeze, Pad, papademos,       │
│     Pewp, Psych858o, Raistlin, Razorback, Redcrab, Rhythm, Scooby,        │
│  Shadow, Six, Sixx, Sonic Wanderer, Sparta, Steel, Stinsen, Wertstahl,    │
│          Whisper, Widdy, X-Jammer, Xiny6581, z-nexx, Zyron.               │
│                                                                           │

                        G E N E S I S * P R O J E C T


           Be sure to grab all other GP Releases from our Boards: 

│ ■ Name ■          ■ Position ■   ■ Sysop ■   ■ Platform ■   ■ Address ■   │
│ The Hidden      │ Genesis WHQ  │ L.A.Style    │  C64   │ the-hidden.      │
│                 │              │              │(:64128)│ hopto.org        │
│ Optical Illusion│ Genesis USHQ │ Optic Freeze │  C64   │ optical.         │
│                 │              │              │(:64128)│ c64bbs.nu        │
│ Frozen Floppy   │ Genesis HQ   │ Pewp         │  C64   │ bbs.retrohack.se │
│                 │              │              │(:64128)│                  │
│ tERMINAL-       │ Genesis HQ   │ L.A.Style    │  Amiga │ terminal-obse    │
│ oBSESSION       │              │              │(:1541) │ ssion.hopto.org  │
│ Masturbation    │ Genesis HQ   │ Black Beard  │  Amiga │ mstation.        │
│ Station         │              │              │        │ servebbs.com     │
│ Slime City BBS  │ Genesis HQ   │ Pewp         │  PC    │ bbs.retrohack.se │