
Extel by Ambrosia [web]

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                               Group - Info

                            Update: 03-27-97

.--=<< Disclaimer >>=--------------------------------------------------------.

  This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without
  restrictions for non-commercial use.

  No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
  of products or services including this product.

  Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data
  storage media and their distribution is strictly prohibited. An exception
  is made for demo-scene oriented CD ROMs made by demo-scene people as long
  as they are non-profitmaking.

  This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or
  modified without the permission of the authors.

  You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any
  consequences thereof. We the creators assume no responsibility for damages
  or failures arising from the use of this software.

.--=<< Credits >>=-----------------------------------------------------------.

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  \________/_____\______/______/_________/__________/ /________\____________/



 For complaining about this production contact Syntax.

.--=<< Technical Requirements >>=--------------------------------------------.

 You will need atleast this specification to see this Ambrosia production :


.--=<< Notes >>=-------------------------------------------------------------.

In spite of the fact that this is _extremely_ optimized for size, I have tried
to make this a quality release. Features include :

	Music included
	060 compatible
	All allocated system-resources are deallocated again
	Does not need FPU
	Does not need Fast-RAM
	All objects are rotated around all 3 axis
	No normal torus'es

For those of you interested:

	All samples are calculated.
	Unpacked/converted Protracker module is 30780 bytes.
	All textures are calculated.
	All Objects are calculated.
	All Palettes are calculated using linear interpolation.
	Everywhere possible speed have been neglected in favour of size.
	Uses an special compressor developed by Pinker/Sanction and me.

.--=<< Ambrosia News >>=-----------------------------------------------------.
                                   ________       _______
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- Shadow Walker renamed to Riis

We are looking for more GRAPHICIANS,Coders and Swappers

.--=<< Members >>=-----------------------------------------------------------.
                    .......... .............
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        : ß          í _    ¼L  #         ¼9*µµm*mw :
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    |  +    #        ] "_°W9*k &   __ , ]L ¼░░  #                         . |
    |       ╞r ╕   _°▓░░░F__ TjF_°@░"__ jL     jF . m E M B E R L I S T     |
    |__   .  #_¼▓ °"__Γ╡gN╪╪L j @  ___3m╪kí    ñ      .                   __|
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               :...¼9Γ╡__jbΓñF¼≡__     ╕°F ..:
                  :   ¼░░░"     "░*wΓΓm░   :

  Amiga-Coders in Ambrosia :


  PC-Coders in Ambrosia :


  Graphicians in Ambrosia :


  Musicians in Ambrosia :


  Swappers in Ambrosia :


.--=<< Greetings >>=---------------------------------------------------------.

 Some hi-ho's to these cool groups :

Artwork		Balance		C-Lous		Depth
DeathRow	Impact DK	Loonies		Impulse
Infect		Iris		LED		Matrix
Passion		Puzzle		Rebels		Stellar
TBL		3LE		Sanction	Blasm
Fudge		Xtacy		Stasis		Looker House

Personal greetings from Syntax to:

	Thanks a lot for all those cool ideas and techniques, as you can
	see I've used several of them in this intro. Good Luck with that
	PC 4K, and see you at Symposium.

	Hvad sσ? jeg hσber du kan lide denne 4096 bytes lange intro..vi
	snakkes pσ IRC..

	Jeg glµder mig til at se den stasis SE97 demo, hvis jeg nσr det
	sσ skal i nok fσ noget konkurrence fra min side af... 8-)..

	Jeg hσber at du nσede at lave den intro til TG97 fµrdig..Jeg glµder
	mig i hvert fald rigtig meget til at se den.

The Priest/Impact DK:
	Fedt at du sσdan kigger ind omkring #ambrosia, det er ret begrµnset
	hvad vi fσr at bes°g fra Scene-folk..well jeg glµder mig til at se
	jeres f°rste Pc-produktion..

Rj/Looker House:
	Ok here is the 4K I talked about, but unfortunately It won't work
	on that a500 of yours..It does however work on a plain a1200 without
	Fast-mem.. go buy one 8-)..See you in #coders..

	Too bad at i ikke ville joine, det er ikke sσ nemt at finde dygtige
	danskescene-folk.. anyway sσ hσber jeg at jeg snart fσr en ny Blasm
	produktion at se..

	Hmm you haven't been much in #coders lately. Well I hope to see you
	there soon.

	Thanks for the explanation of particle-algos..I haven't tried them
	yet though..see you in #coders.

	Wow, nu skal jeg snart ned til Symposium og se din demo..Jeg glµder
	mig gevaldigt..tak for radix-sort forklaringen for°vrigt..

All in Ambrosia:
	En skam at i ikke kunne komme med ned til Symposium..Well vi skal
	nok ogsσ have holdt et meeting, sσ vi kan forberede TCP og SE97..

.--=<< Releases >>=----------------------------------------------------------.


 Filename       Production		   Info		      Released
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-=-=-=-
 A!A_PSXX.DMS	PsychoPack Issue 19-25	   Utilities-Pack     15-06-1995
 A!A_2_7K.LHA	Ambrosia 2.7K		   TP95 4K Intro      28-12-1995
 A!A_RNKB.LHA	Rynkeby Morgenmild	   TP5 40K Intro      28-12-1995
 A!A_FDC.LHA	Freaks don't care	   TP5 40K Intro      28-12-1995
 A!A_GSPR.LHA	Genetic Species Preview	   TG96 Game          05-04-1996
 A!A_ARD.LHA	Ard			   TG96 Demo          05-04-1996
 A!A_RVHS.LHA	Riverhorse da' LSD mix	   2nd at SSP96	Demo  07-07-1996
 A!A_MC_1.LHA	Miracle Chip #1		   SSP96 Chip-Pack    12-07-1996
 A!A_4CK.LHA	4ck		           TP6 4K Intro       28-12-1996
 A!A_ANNC.LHA   Announcetro                Intro              03-04-1997
 AMB_EXTL.LHA   Extel                      Sym97 4K Intro     03-31-1997


 None yet..

These productions can be found at our dist-boards.

.--=<< Distribution Sites >>=------------------------------------------------.

 Country	Boardname	       Board number     Sysop
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-=-=-=-=
 Denmark	World Of Dreams	       4824 9990	Raivo

.--=<< Contacting >>=---------------------------------------------------------.

 To get in contact with Ambrosia members use these :

   Access of Ambrosia (Raytrace, Guide)
   Voice  : +045 6442 2698
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.43
   E-Mail : [email protected]

   Blunt of Ambrosia (Swapper)
   Henk Wijnholds
   Marktkade 110
   9581 Aw Musselkanaal
   The Netherlands

   Cain of Ambrosia (Graphics, Raytrace, Asc▓)
   Voice  : +045 9837 2376
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.32
   E-Mail : [email protected]

   Eliss-D of Ambrosia (Music, Graphics)
   Voice  : +045 8648 8894

   Drac of Ambrosia (Packer, CoSysop)
   Jan R°gen Knudsen
   Diverh°jvej 5
   8570 Trustrup
   Voice  : +045 8633 4540
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.34
   E-Mail : [email protected]
   IRC    : on #ambrosia & #amigascne

   Draw of Ambrosia (Asc▓, Swapper)
   Box 8705
   91-494 Iodz 87

   Lucifer of Ambrosia (Code)
   E-Mail : [email protected]
   IRC    : on #ambrosia & #coders

   Raivo of Ambrosia (Code, Sysop)
   Voice  : +045 2043 8624
   BBS    : +045 4824 9990 
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.41
   E-Mail : [email protected]

   Raze of Ambrosia (Music)
   Voice  : +045 8641 0261
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.34
   E-Mail : [email protected]
   Riis of Ambrosia (Graphics)
   Voice  : +045 9711 6059
   E-Mail : [email protected]

   Spacebrain of Ambrosia(Music)
   Voice  : +045 8640 1198
   Syntax of Ambrosia (Code)
   Voice  : +045 7445 2610
   E-Mail : [email protected]
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.26
   IRC    : on #coders or #ambrosia

   Trayzor of Ambrosia (Music)
   Voice  : +045 9837 8872
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.38

   Wax of Ambrosia (Music)
   Voice  : +045 6618 0802

   Zeek of Ambrosia (Code)
   Voice  : +045 9838 0756 
   Fidonet: 2:238/53.48
   E-Mail : [email protected]

 For joining just contact one of us.

 For joining as distribution site contact Raivo.

 For nice mailswapping contact these fine Amiga-swappers :

                                                      _╡*g°*╪Q*        ░b_
                                                      ╪Qj╦__ ░b         ¼╪
   for happy mail-trading write to:               ____╪╪╪╪╪╪  ╪      ____j╬
                                             _╡µ^░"»¼░░P╪╪P_ΓF     !»w__╢╦_
                                          ╖ ╞"       __Γ__░░"       _°F5k¼#
   draw/ambrosia^azkiness             . :.: #        "»  ░b        j" ¡¡_╞"
   p.o.box 8705               ____________ _░╬_          jP        ¼░*¡*#
   91-494 lodz 87           . )         .    ¼9w__   __Γ#"     ╕        ▀
   poland                  |/  +               »░░¡¡P"╦      j╬        ╪
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: \ .(_/» ________\ (_/ :. _. :.     /_( |_   _/\_   _| ╖
:  \______( .......\_______\|_______/ .... )___/\___(   :  tF!/aZk!
:...........:     :...................:  :..............:  & dRUNk!

   ________ ___  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___/\___ ________
  _\_ ___ /_\_ \/ _/_\_ ____/_\_ ____/_\_ __ _/_\_ ____/_\__  __/_\_ ___ /_
For some fast gFX-swap or for supporting pSYCHO pACK write a nice letter 2:

      Drac/Ambrosia             Respectz: Draw, Raze, Raivo, Syntax, Dweeb,
      Jan Knudsen                         Cyboman, Sunscream, Celtic,  Lfo,
      Diverh°jvej 5                       Haahr,  Coolio, Skize,  Receiver,
      8570 Trustrup                       Scraby, Tft, Case 78, Hotstepper, 
      Denmark                             Decoy, Vega, Crusader, Mr.King...

                             Blunt of Ambrosia
                              Henk Wijnholds
                               Marktkade 110
                           9581 Aw Musselkanaal
                              The Netherlands

 For some more stuff look at our homepage :


.--=<< EOF >>=----------------------------------------------------------------.