
Essence 64b by Desire [web]

Title : Essence 64b
Author : HellMood/DESiRE
Competition : 256 byte @ Deadline 2019
Platform : DosBOX 0.74

Notes for the Organizers:
Please note me when you receive this entry
Please note me if the entry does not run properly
mail -> [email protected]
The entry plays sound, and needs its OWN config file
The needed dosbox-0.74.conf is part of this archive
The dosbox-0.74.conf outputs *** HellMoods Config ***
Please make sure you run it like this capture:
the intro heavily relies on BASS, please make
sure to turn up the subwoofers accordinly =)
Please switch to fullscreen BEFORE starting intro
Fullscreen is entered with CTRL+ENTER
Please end the demo after 1 minute with CTRL+F9
Sorry, there was no space for ESC checking :(

Thanks for allowing remotes, and happy partying =)
Greets, HellMood

Text for the Beamslide:
fake pathtracing, fake lighting, real sizecoding
64 bytes ought to be enough for anyone ^^
Greets to all Sizecoders & everybody@Deadline