
the lost spirits BBS (3)

   ,&$&a.     .:a.       .a:²:a.     :$²          <*> the lost spirits <*>
+-─--`$$$--,$²'--`²$,- ,²: ─--`²&.-- $$: ─-─────-- --──────-────-──────────-─-+
     :$$: :$:      :$: :$$:   ,:²'   αⁿ$²ⁿa.    fast pc warez / hpadv / ppes
     $$:  `:$      ,:' `²%&a.        :$$        ++5 gigabyte  online storage
    :$: '²b.`$    :$: a:a  `²%&$&a.  ²%        closed system! no newuser-pw
   :$.   $$',$:  ²$:  `$:a      ²:$: :²$  :"$   running pcb 15.3 on a p90/64
   `²&$&a²' `²%$²'      `²%6a:$%ⁿ²'  `²%a&$²'   phatt styled & well secured!
                     0-7 days pc
     .a:²:a.   `²%&²'`²&w. only! ²%&²'`²&w.           :$²         .a:²:a.
   ,²:    `²&.   $$    :²$:       $$    :²$: naps     $$:       ,²:    `²&.
   :$$:   ,:²'   $$:  ,%²$$ :$:   $$:  ,%²$$ bci :$:  α²$²ⁿa.   :$$:   ,:²'
   `²%&a.       :$:²5&2ⁿ²' ,$$'  :$:²5&2ⁿ²' lsd ,$$'  :$$       `²%&a.
  a:a  `²%&$&a.  :$:       `":²'  :$:  `²&$a    `":²' ²%      a:a  `²%&$&a.
+-`$:a -─-- ²:$: $:$ -───--lr!" - $:$ -─-:$$:-─ $$$"- :²$- :"$ -`$:a -── ²:$:-+
    `²%6a:$%ⁿ²' `²$'       `²$² ,4²$'   ,$²$: ,4²$'   `²%a&$²'    `²%6a:$%ⁿ²'
     port 1 : +49-21-no-dialtone ............................. (v34/28k8) 
     port 2 : +49-21-no-dialtone ............................. (v34/28k8)
     port 3 : +49-21-no-dialtone (teles isdn  power with channelbundling)
     port 4 : +49-21-no-dialtone (teles isdn  power with channelbundling)
     port 5 : +49-21-no-dialtone (private node for sysop activities only)
+--──────────────────────────-───-─────────────-- --────────────────────────--+
     wanna have an account at this fast board? read infos below & pray :)
     e-mail us your handle/pw/refs/locations/upload-rate/other boards etc
                        -> [email protected] <-                     
               (or try to contact torch somewhere on irc/efnet)
+-──────────────-─────────-- -─────────────-─────────────--─────────────────-─+