
M3Rip v2.52 by Ispania

                       M3RIP Version 2.52 - M3/Ispania

Note before start reading: My english isn't as good as i would like ;-)

1. Introduction

M3RIP is a ripper. A ripper is a program that extracts modules from demos,
games, intros, etc...

M3RIP is the fastest ripper nowadays. Other ripper are fast but M3RIP is
much more faster and detects more module types.

2. Use

Command line: If you enter 'M3RIP -m', the program will display the length
and the beginning position of the found mudule.

M3RIP has various modes of use:

  - Manual extraction: Consist in look for yourself throught an editor or
    any program the identification of the modules and extract from the
    beginning position to the end position.
    If the positions are in hex you must begin the numbers with a $.

  - Automatic extraction: Is the fastest and the easiest form.
    You only must give to the program the number of the demo you want to
    extract the modules and the program will make the rest ;-)
    Note: There are some demos/intros that must be decompressed before
    extraction with PKLITE -x or similar. These demos are marked with an *.
    You may give too the name of the demo from de command line, so the
    search is much faster.

  - Look for posible modules: Give to the program the name of a file and
    it'll try to find the modules in that file.
    M3RIP extracts 4/6/8 channels MOD, STM, S3M, MTM, FAR, ULT, XM and MIDI
    If I found the format of other modules, i'll try to incorporate then.

  - Search for a given string: Enter a string and the program will scan the
    file for that entered string. Now you can find VOC, WAV, GIF, ... files.

I have added another option to see some info about MOD, MTM, S3M, FAR, ULT
XM and MIDI files.

Note: After extracting, you may load de modules in your favorite tracker
and save them again, so the tracker will save the modules with the correct
size ;-)

3. Technical notes

M3RIP is all coded in TP 7.0 and a little bit of ASM. The source code is 3402
lines long and 94208 bytes large.
The program have been tested with a lot of demos and the results have been
100% efectivity ;-)
Some of the demos/intros used to test the program in 'Look for posible
modules' option were:

- Cronologia by Cascada (3 MOD)
- Facts of Life by Witan (6 STM)
- Fishtro By Future Crew (1 S3M)
- Hexappeal by Cascada (1 MOD)
- Panic by Future Crew (1 S3M)
- Show and Poor by Magic 12 (1 MOD each)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by S!P (1 MOD)
- The Party by Future Crew (1 S3M)
- Unreal and Unreal 1.1 by Future Crew (5 S3M)
- Vanity & Apathy by Doomsday Productions (1 STM)
- Airframe by PRiME (1 MOD)
- Verses by EMF (1 MOD)
- Soppa by Future Crew (1 S3M)
- HeartQuake by Iguana (3 MOD)
- Holistic by Cascada (1 MOD)
- Shit 2 by Reset (2 MOD)
- Timeless by Tran (1 MTM)

And lots of others I don't remember now ;-)

I have tested the MIDI extraction feature with games like Prince of Persia I
and the demo Sunknown by Five and Then Some.

4. Greetings and similar

If I tell you that when i began to code M3RIP I didn't know TP you don't
believe it but so it is ;-) I began to code M3RIP because a want to learn
a bit more Pascal (and especially to pass data strutures) because I'm very
lazy to learn that ;-)

I want to send greetings to all the people of the demo scene, to all the
people of SoundNet and R34.DEMOS in FidoNet and especially to all the people
of SurNet echo, SUR.DEMOS ;-)

Greetings to the members of Reset, TLOTB, Codenation, The Mask of Noise,
Postumum, Visual Player Team, The VangeliSteam, Iguana and all the new groups
that are appearing now in Spain.

And big Thanks to Miguel, SysOp of BlasterSound.
(Hey all! Call BlasterSound BBS +34-58-293583, the best sound oriented BBS
all over the world ;-))

I want to say thanks to Lluis Garcia for his moral support and send me all
the new formats that M3RIP supports now, Angel Jimenez for sending me some
info about file formats and Jose Alfonso for give me some ideas to add in
the program.

Thanks to David Lopez for giving me the idea of how to extract the modules
from Capacala's demo 'The Real Thing' and for the code to extract the modules
from Impact Studios' Legend demo.

And now to all the members of Ispania: SMUG, franker, NOP, Josele, Hi-tech,
ITOO Bros, ACME, NENE, HormigAtomica, Taliesin and those who haven't time
but they know that i would like they join to Ispania soon  ;-)

And to end, greetings to all the people from UCA (Universidad de Cádiz) and
especially to Mari Loli ;-) (my love).

5. Ispania

By the moment we have released only a few things, but from now to nearly time
we'll be known everywhere (I hope) ;-)
We are learning, and these are our releases...

 File           Size   Date  Description
 3DERT.ARJ       15k   3/94  Small 3D routine by ERT
 TERM2.ARJ       61k   4/94  Small intro with some hardware scrollers by ERT
 HT2WORK.ARJ     15k   4/94  Small intro by Hi-Tech Dreams
 LEVEL94.ARJ     78k   5/94  MOD: Level 94 by ERT
 VIRTUAL.ARJ     49k   5/94  MOD: Virtual Minds by ERT
 TERMCODE.ARJ    77k   6/94  Source code from Term2
 FIRE.ARJ        13k   7/94  Fire by ITOO
 LLAMA.ARJ       16k   9/94  Olimpic flame by M3
 ISP_MD1.ARJ    885k  10/94  Ispania's MusicDisk Vol I
 RTCLAS11.ARJ    26k  10/94  Reqs VGA & 286. Break your keyboard!!!
 PAINHATE.ARJ    46k  11/94  Graphic demo by SMUG
 PUAJJJ.ARJ    1005k   3/95  Ispania's first demo!!!
 M3RIP252.ARJ    35k   8/95  Extracts MOD/STM/S3M/MTM/MID/FAR/ULT/XM from demos

* Note: This files may be also compressed with PKZIP.

Download them from our distribution sites:

BBS Name           Country   Phone #           Hours    SysOp
BlasterSound BBS   Spain     +34-58-293583     24h      Mikel
People's BBS       Spain     +34-56-263424     24h      Chico Medina
Radio Maceda BBS   Spain     +34-86-234969     24h      Tony Saa
Enchufe-OS/2 BBS   Spain     +34-1-547-7210    24h      Santiago Crespo
Area Soft BBS      Spain     +34-28-201-351    24h      Miguel Fernandez
SpaceBar NHQ       Norway    +47-64-93-34-99   24h      Hybris Of Orchide
PHAT! BBS DHQ      Holland   +31-43-363-8243   24h      Ch:ilm
                             +31-43-363-1724   24h

And now, the Ispania members (by the moment):

     Alias           Name                        Activity
     M3              Manolo Mediavilla           Coder
     franker         Francisco Jose Ramirez      Coder/Music
     NOP             Francisco Jose Esquerdo     Coder
     ITOO Bros       Carlos/Daniel Quintero      Coders
     SMUG            Juan Miguel Reyes Garcia    Coder/Graphics
     Josele          Jose Maria Garcia           Music
     Hi-Tech Dreams  Andres de Pedro             Coder/Music/Graphics

If you want to join Ispania, ask something or simply sent us a message,
you can make it to any of this adresses:

FidoNet  2:345/602.1
SurNet   11:100/101.1

Via E-mail:

            M3: [email protected]
          SMUG: [email protected]
       franker: [email protected]
Hi-Tech Dreams: [email protected]

Or write us to:

     P.O. Box 2626
     11080 Cadiz