Adrenalin Module Player v0.96 by A-Men & Adrenalin
Adrenalin module player v 0.96 By: Beta / A-Men Supports GUS (stereo), SB/SB2.0/SB16 (mono). Sorry for all those bugs and mono only, but I don't have SB myself (that's right, no typos here). SB code & mixing was developed under megaem and SB 16 code & testing was done on my friends Pentium 133 with SB16. BTW, SB support REQUIRES EMS! This program is MAILWARE. You may use it in your productions (including commercial) IF you send me a complete copy of your program (ie. If it's shareware, you send me a registered copy). This program may be freely included in cd-rom collections (but not to any disk collections!). You have to send me e-mail or a postcard from your hometown, and tell what you like of this program. You must also credit me somewhere in your program or docs. You may distribute this program freely IF you include all the sources and docs. You may freely distribute any programs that use this player. If you find a bug, please notify me so that I can correct it. Better yet correct it by yourself (if you can) and send the corrected version to me :-) Disclaimer: If this thing breaks your hard disk, burns your house or does anything else, I will NOT be responsible! You use this at you own risk! (Besides, you can't prove anything. I have better lawyers than you ;-)) Thanks go to: Gravis for making such a great soundcard flap / Capacala for sending me "some" info Mark Feldman for PCGPE Mark Dixon for his GUS669 source Thunder for excellent info about mods Tran & Joshua C. Jensen for releasing ultradox Distance / Orange for alpha testing (Hey, this thingy didn't even crash his HD... Well, at least not very often ;) Penguin / A-Men for SB help Greets (in extremely weird order) are sent to: Black Hole - Happy now??? ;-) Solar / Hysteria Psyko / Acidface software wog / A-Men Penguin / A-Men flap / Capacala Darie / A-Men / AA Yuho / Artificial People Distance / Orange Zundapp / Omena Reve / Five Coders Stinger / AA / DM Probe / Affection / Oxylon Johnny Field ;-) ASYLUM.ZIP All users of Metropoli & Starport ADNMOD.EXE Yes, I know this doesn't work correctly on SB, but I was in a hurry, so no time to finish this. SB routines work allright though. Just didn't have time to upgrade the example player. AMODTSR.EXE & LMOD.EXE Use AMODTSR to start playing module in background (not real TSR. Just shells to dos. Type 'exit' to quit). Use LMOD to change module playing in background (works with AMODTSR & ADNMOD). QUALITY MODE: the code for quality mode is: for n := 0 to 15 do for i := 1 to 48 do per_table[n,i] := round(per_table[n,i]*(0.975+RANDOM(10)/200)); ^^^^^^ ;----) Programming stuff Yes, I know these docs suck, but who cares :) Anyway, see MODTEST.PAS for example of minimal player and some documentation. Here are some quick docs: modunit.pas find_sc(sc_auto) : integer; Detect soundcard and IO/IRQ/DMA. Returns soundcard id. init_sc(sc_id); Inits soundcard. init_mod; Inits modplayer & hooks interrupts. done_mod; Deinits player & releases interrupts. YOU MUST CALL THIS!!! load_mod(name); Loads mod/s3m (autodetects). free_mod; Frees memory taken by module. start_plying; stop_playing; init_fx(space,channels); Reserves space for sound effects. load_fx_st3(name); Loads ST3 instrument file. load_fx_raw(name); Loads raw file (signed). play_fx(chn,num); Plays effect num on channel chn. goto_mod(ptn,row); Jumps to order ptn. memunit.pas init_xms; Initializes XMS routines. Requires 750kb of XMS. Use this if you want patterns stored in XMS. done_xms; You MUST call this if you use init_xms. Otherwise XMS memory doesn't get freed. Some variables: cur_row,cur_ptn - Current row&order. speed,tempo - Speed & tempo. Warning: time_counters dont work with SB! Stuff planned for the future releases - Better documentation - Bug fixes! - Anything you can come up with :-) Beta / A-Men E-mail: [email protected] Snail: Antti Huovilainen Kluuvintie 1 C2 ESPOO 02180 FINLAND --- I'm a coder, so I make programs. --- If was a Guru, they would even work :-) [This space unintentionally left blank]
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