Star Reach by Unlimited Creations
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No money can be charged for it! You can skip a part by pressing ESCape, or exit the whole demo by holding ESCape for a few seconds (until it exits). Technical Stuff: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * 386 CPU required, 486DX or higher recommended. * Operating system (: Bill GatesDOS 3.30 or higher required. * 600k of free Conventional memory required. * 2 Megz of free EMS+XMS required. * In order to run the demo you need : (99% Working Configuration) CONFIG.SYS : DEVICE=(DRIVE):\...\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=(DRIVE):\...\EMM386.EXE RAM DOS=HIGH,UMB * Video Card : VGA 512k at least, VESA support required. * Sound card : GUS/SB16/SBpro/SB/Wss/Pas/Pas+/Pas16. Troubleshooting: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. The Demo doesn't run (Oh you have missed so much %^$%$#!1@2 ;) * Do you have computer at all? ;) * Do you have 386DX or higher ? * Do you have enough free conventional and uppper memory ? The demo should run under diffrent configurations, if it doesn't run under certain configuration, you should try another one (what an advise:). * Does your sound card correctly installed and set ?. 2. The Demo runs but stucks, reboots, aborts, formats your HD, you can't see a thing on your screen, etc: * Still memory problems. * Wrong sound card settings. * You have choosed too high mixing frequency on a low CPU speed. Last note: ^^^^^^^^^ We had a very little amount of time test the demo on diffrent mashines with diffrent configurations, so in this Party version there are thousands of bugs. We will hopfully release another version, that will suck less then this one. Trouble Makers Division / Unlimited Creations: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Borzom ........ Lev 16 ..... Code, SA MathMaster .... Moran 17 ..... Code, Math Dr.Encryption . Barak 16 ..... Code, SA Hex ........... Alex 17 ..... Design, Organizing, Code, SNA Ravx .......... Guy 17 ..... Music Sid .......... Eran 18 ..... Graphics, 3D Modeling (old age ;) ) Trex .......... Tsachi 17 ..... Code, SNA True Color .... Dany 17 ..... Graphics, 3D Modeling Credits For The Demo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - All Music - Ravx - All Graphics - Sid - Design, Organazing, Art & Code Adjustment - Hex - SoundSystem - MIDAS 0.40a - our best regards to it's authors! - Loader, Setup, Tunnel, Voxel space, Texture mapping, Vector part by BoRZoM - Water, Endpart, Fonts - Trex - ULC Logo, Face mutation, Pictures code - Dr. Encryption ULC Admires the following groups & people: (Admires go in no particular order) Surprise! Productions Acme Triton Valhalla Silents PC Electromotive Force RealTech Psychic Link Wild Light Nooon Avalanche KFMF MOM Centari Future Crew Epical Xography Jamm Complex Capacala And one and only...Tran All ULC Members - It was a great pleasure working with you Together we can move mountains! * Kobi Shmukler - Thank's for all the support, you'r a good friend * Speedy - Just can't ignor you, you little......;) * Jonathan Fridman - Guitar Lessons Pay Off after all ha?! ;) * Highdive / Centari - 'Sup dude, keep up the good work! * Nightshadow - Text mode is the final frontier ;) * Ravx, Dna Groove, Infra, StarFox, ILM, Prodigy, Skaven, Purple Motions, Big-Jim, Stefan Brink, Luxity And all the rest cool musicians - Music is the mirror of the soul * Tran, Psi, Execom, Sandman, Karl, Uli, Tgr, Mr.H - I wish i will code one Day like you guys * All the people I forgot (You know who you are ;)) Borzom Greets The Following People: (in no p.o.) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * All ULC Members * MathMaster - Go Buy a new computer * Authors of MIDAS * Sharp Blade - Are you still alive? * Matt Prichard * Waite Group Press * FTP.UWP.EDU staff * X2FTP staff * MTV * JCAB / VangeliSTeam * Draeden / VLA * Vibrants * The DooM * Shadow Man - Are you happy? * RM * Hipnosys - HAHA - You're the last.. * And all my friends... Ravx Greets The Following People: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Mikado * Two-face * Hex * Paladin * Rhinocerus * Shai (A) * Eilon / Nir (T) * Nir / Zohar (G) * Yair (S) * Bonez * Speedy * Dj i.L.i * Idan / Einav oz * Sholomi, Sarit and hayim leibovich * Ma & Pa * My Brothers iTay & Nir * Infra & Starfox from Members of Mayday * The best raver's of all - "DUNE"! (Cant stop raving!) * To all the raver's in the nation ! Trex Greets The Following People: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Lord Psonic - Where are you ? * Sagi E. - You have only three more month at school ! * True Color - Mybe next time you'll join us with the demo. * All the one's who told me I have no chance at all - Go to Hell ! Dr. Encryption Greets The Following People: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * All ULC Members * Nyc Kid * Vicious * Whisper * True Color * Bach * Satan - c u soon in hell 666 If you want to contact us from any reason, here is your chance: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hex - Alex Volinsky Kaplan 47 Petah Tikva Israel Phone: (972)-3-9240285 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Painly Yours ~ Hex / Unlimited Creations
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