
Balanse by Infernal

│          ║║║║║║║║║║║║│           BALANSE           │║║║║║║║║║║║║           │
│          ║║║║║║║║║║║║│      (c)INFERNAL, 1995      │║║║║║║║║║║║║           │
│          ╚╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╧═════════════════════════════╧╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╝           │
This demo was released at the Tonstad Party 15-10-95. It was made on a       │
Pentium 60, but have been tested to run well on a 486dx4 and a dx2 with      │
local bus video cards. It runs on ISA bus machines as well, except that it   │
in addition to being much slower, the text part in the middle might be hard  │
to read. Don't try to run this on a 386, it will work through the first      │
parts, and then it will hang (at least that's what it did on the 386-20 we   │
tested it on).                                                               │
For maximum performance we suggest that you have a GUS with at least         │
512k of RAM (and it should be connected to your amplifier/PA or whatever).   │
We have not really tested how much memory it requires, but it runs fine      │
with 570k of free conventional memory.                                       │
You may spread this demo around as long as you leave all files (including    │
this one) unmodified, and as long as you don't take any charge for it. If    │
this package of some reason melt down your cpu, make your mouse fly, or      │
blowing up your stereo (!), we take no responsibility. But believe me, I'm   │
sure it won't happen (except for the last part maybe ;) )                    │
All effects in this demo are calculated real time, except for the sheep      │
effect which was drawn by Lord M at the party ;) If you don't like it,       │
(because it's an animation, or because it's a very ugly  picture)            │
don't watch it, just don't take it too seriously ;) and don't try it at      │
home! The landscape text might be hard to read, and it's not really ment to  │
be very readable either.                                                     │
As english isn't my first language, I'm sure this text and those in the demo │
are full of typos, but I hope that it's understandable anyways....           │
Credits                                                                      │
  White Spirit  - Code, Design                                               │
  Crazy Ivan    - Code (Plasma)                                              │
  Black Lotion  - Music                                                      │
  Pad           - Gfx (Logo)                                                 │
  Buran Bad Boy - Gfx (Picture, & end part font)                             │
Music system by MikMak ([email protected]).                            │
You can contact us (White Spirit) through email at:                          │
  [email protected]                                                │
Q & A                                                                        │
Q: I've got a GUS. The music wont play. Why?                                 │
A: Be sure to have your ULTRASND environment variable set correctly.         │
Q: I've got a Sound Blaster. The music won't play.                           │
A: The only soundcard it supports is the GUS.                                │
Q: Where are the donuts?                                                     │
A: In every other demo this year.                                            │
Q: In win95, it won't start because it says that it *might* have to run in   │
   excluselively (sp?) MSDOS mode.                                           │
A: At your DOS prompt icon, choose properties and advanced options. Choose   │
   not to display warning messages.                                          │
Note that this version was released after the party as the party version     │
hung some machines.                                                          │