
Acid Blocks by Instant Ejakulation [web]

             dTb                       ^
             Y8T                      jTb                       sUm               
                      ,ovjlvo,      fYP Yfl        mUUUm        ldP
             oHb    o%mXTZOUbewq   jff   qf$ odl  fHVCVB$f      jOL
             ghj   ydjREW#M8FBGYb            sXf fSd^"'WMKl     IHf
            j$f   djT"       >ffd            Yhsfd'     SDS     t$f
            h&i  jXT<        dGHf             fHP       LYT     lUf
            ghf  GSPSbasvcvsddflY             bfJ       @H&    dXP
           j@T   IDSiPtdXMEHGUb^              ldP       jYP    TvY
           ddt   zfdx                        dFf       xHl
           fRl    qXYOn.    .sfGP            sHj      jGFK     dOb
           "h^     TKMKhfTdfddfd            dsd'      vYP      YXP

              Instant Ejakulation - mutsis ei mee frameen (tm)
                  Destroys your eardrums with: Acid Blocks

An Amiga Bootblock intro for the Finnish Amiga Party 2013, 5.-8.12.2013.

After ten years of silence... We are back! The original 68000 gangstas!
This time we rip open old wounds, go back to roots bloody roots, and get
jiggy with the good old Amiga 500. OCS, KS 1.3, 512k/0, you know who you are.
May work on modern HW, too.

The soundtrack is a pastiche of Phuture's Acid Tracks. This sound was the
beginning of something great. Strobo effect included for authentic warehouse

Exit to AmigaOS with left mouse button, as usual.


Full Credits:
Duck        code, original idea, software synthesizer
Phuture     Acid Tracks
Multiplex   WinUAE
Jope        asciiart, alphatesting
Break       jarrut, betatesting
Jeppe       BOFH, betatesting


CNCD - DCS - Demomakers - FLT - RNO - Scarab - Scoopex - Zymosis



Don't contact us at:
[email protected]
#suomiscene @ ircnet


Break - Deee - Duck - Jeppe - Jope - Keiichi - Multiplex - Omegas - Reko


iE^n manifesto 2013:
1. do backups
2. beware of electric blackout
3. ...
4. *trr-kss*