
Rose Under the Bridge by Antidothum


                          ''RoSe UnDeR ThE bRiDgE''


                           4kb by Yuda/Antidothum

                       you need to:
                        * kill emm386 in your config.sys

                        * himem.sys
                        * and about 4megs of xms

                        * 'rose' doesnt check anything
                          (above req.) so be sure...

                       if you are
                                gfx artist
                                3ds maker
                       and you wanna
                                join ath
                                create something

                       bartlomiej waszak (yuda/ath)
                              ul. lesna 55
                       87-700 aleksandrow kujawski
                               * poland *
                       phone: +48 0-54 82-45-10
                       e-mail: [email protected]

                            69 alba android's dream core
                                grinders exodus hellcore
                                 konzept liberty mosaic!
                                 norferin platoon prism!
                                shiz0phrenia spawn qualm
                              stones vision abl de sathe
                             adar aragorn atom blackhack
                        brainer of haze cheo chester dix
                       deekay ervin fremen incubus jason
                       kopper magoth mnemonic mrock muzz
                      ragabash swan variat viking yagoda

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