Blue Eyes by @
Blue Eyes - a rather @ collection of routines Requirements: 386, about 600kB basemem, 2.5MB himem and a Very Good Automobile Should work with: A Gravis Ultrasound Hardly never works with: A sound blaster There is no: synchronization to the music If the demo is executed for the first time after booting the computer, there will hardly be any sound. In this case, immediately (when the title images are shown) kick the right shift to get back to DOS (not recommended to be executed under other operating systems), discard the error message and restart the demo. The gouraud vectors are damn slow. The last "scroll" loops as long as you press ESC, after pressing it the animation will finish before exiting. The correct credits are as follows: Code.........................: Doom Graphics.....................: Damac, Dice, Tint Music in 30 mins at Juhla '95: Addict Video grabs at Juhla '95.....: Sivu/Canus*Patrol Player.....: Asmu/Wild Light The current @ member status in a most alphabetical order: Addict - Music, Yahoo ([email protected]) Citybomber - Swap Damac - Graphics Doom - Code ([email protected]) Dice - Graphics Fear - Code ([email protected]) Lumen - Music Moleql - Code O'Hara - Graphics Razorback - Graphics ([email protected]) Tint - Graphics ([email protected]) Vectorvoyager - Code Wizard - Code Wode - Music Yahoo #4 is also out, get it. Don't forget to fetch the soon-to-be-released 2 Cents - the @ version.
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