Necrolatry by Mode XIX
Necrolatry - Intro by Mode 19 Featuring Ng Pei Sin/ProLogic 303 Released on Jan 22 1994 ............................................................................. HELP If you encounter any problem after the first part, as in a long pause and then the computer resets. Try skipping that part by typing : necro SKIP (SKIP must be in Capital letters!) and for DX2 owners, try switching off your turbo if no sound come out. ............................................................................. SOME WORDS Hi, DL writing here, this demo should have been much bigger and larger than the present size. But anyway due to time constraint, we decide to reduce this demo to become more of an intro. So hope u will like it even though it is not any standard near Future Crew, Triton, EMF and many other European groups. I would love to hear your comments.(both +ve and -ve) Nothing much I wanna say abt my routines except they aren't as optimized as it can be. (I ask BeachBoy to write something so here's what he has written) commenting on my routines:- psychadelic was an attempted copy of FC's similar-looking routine. okay, so my routines isn't as fast as theirs, doesn't look as good, but at least i got the idea, and FC never had fade in text on top of the lines. the vector dots has nothing unusual, hope u like the choreography. the hard part was in coming out with the objects. scrplot was my first idea, plotting terrain/equations in (un)realtime. the plots are complicated (arctans, sins, lns etc) so it's obviously not done in realtime. the big problem to overcome is how do u store multiple screens worth of terrain/equationplots within your pc's limit. Phew, DL again, pathetic Membership List (in order of joining) Name Handle Does What Age Kevin Ng DataLunch Coding, PR 18 Lee Wee Siong Deadly Metal Coding, Gfx 18 Chong Ki Yong Dragon God ** Inactive ** 18 Tommy Cheung Mighty Lord Sysop, Misc. ?? Tan Thor Jen Beacboy Coding ?? (Musicians and Gfx Artists really needed) ............................................................................. CONTACTS Contact us to join us, be our distributor or just plain chatting! contact name: Tan Thor Jen contact address: 1) datanetlink programming conference 2) StudentOnBoard (065) 755-6869 contact name: Kevin Ng contact address: 1) [email protected] (Internet) 2) 6:600/403 (Fidonet Elite Plus BBS, write to Kevin Ng) (I will be in NS soon... so I guess any stuff regarding the demo, write to Tan Thor Jen [BeachBoy]) or write to us at DUO BBS (Mode 19 HQ) Tommy Cheung Duo BBS (65)453-3165 14.4K ............................................................................. HI'S AND HELLOS! Deadly Metal sends greetings to : Pixel/FC, Marvel/FC, Endless Creation/LD (Deadly Metal is currently serving National Service) And some personal hellos from DataLunch to : FCY, Ng Pei Sin/Prologic 303, Gore/FC, Errand/Avalanche, Melvin. And of course not forgetting our Distribution Sites Sysop Board Tel Highest Speed Tommy Cheung Duo BBS (65)453-3165 14.4K Melvin Chia X-Link BBS (65)345-2083 14.4K ............................................................................. (This part is written entirely by Ng Pei Sin and is left totally unmodified) ProLogic 303 Software --------------------- This is the first 100% composition by me (NG PEI SIN). Some of you may have heard of music files from NG PEI SIN (or ProLogic 303 Software), but all of them are either, half-composed or fully transcribed (hee). This music is FULLY ORIGINAL! And I'm proud of it! Special like Virtual SURROUND is the featured in this music file. If you listen carefully, the synthesizer at the last part of the music is in "stereo surround". The music seems to approach (with a lot of "space") from the right, left, right, left...then EVERYWHERE! You should try players like, Inertia Player, DMP 2.79, to get the full SURROUND effects. However, this effect works only on a stereo sound card. If you're using a mono card, you may experience some defects. I'm NOT part of Mode XIX. I'm just invited to do a music for them. ProLogic 303 Software is a group I created. It's a group producing music files and music related softwares. One more thing... please do not distribute this .mod file separately. I'm working on an 8-channels version, and hopefully it can join the list of "ProLogic 303 Software Production" soon. I'll like every valuable suggestion I can get and all the help I need. To contact me, please use FidoNET echo. Thanx! Signed, NG PEI SIN ProLogic 303 Software ............................ ( THE END ) .............................
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