
XTA by JapoTek

|                                                  |
|                     TRiP '999                    |
|              The Real Italian Party              |
|                                                  |
|                                                  |
|            Florence: march 25-28 1999            |
|                                                  |

  * Compo:  PC Demo SW
  * Title:  X T A
  * Author: JapoTek
  * Rank:   *** 1st ***
  * Notes:

System requirements:

	minimun---->Pentium 200 Mhz (MMX) 
	suggested-->Pentium II 350 Mhz 

How to use it:
	Click on the file XTA.EXE :).....and a beautiful dialog will pop up.
	Now choose the resolution: 320 x 240 better (if your video card got it), 320 x 200 with all video cards.

	Coding  -  Pellicu$,Feymour,Dusty
	Graphic -  CuTnPaste,HellBender,PennyWise
	Music   -  AsYntote

	We greet all TRIP 99 and the world too. :)

How to contact us:
	AsYntote  - [email protected]
	CuTnPaste - [email protected]
	Feymour	  - [email protected]
	HellBender - [email protected]
	PennyWise  - [email protected]

How to visit our nice world site and/or download our demos:

								JAPOTEK 1999


Trip has been made possible by the partnership with:

  MediARTech (http://www.mediartech.com)
  Sun microsystems (http://www.sun.com)
  Dada.net (http://www.dada.it)
  BresciaOnLine (http://www,bresciaonline.it)
  McDonald's (http://www.mcdonalds.com)


Prizes have been offered by:

  Silicon Graphics (http://www.sgi.com)
  Sun microsystems (http://www.sun.com)
  Roland (http://www.rolandcorp.com)
  IBM (http://www.sesa.it)
  Gravis (http://www.gravis.com)
  Roland DG (http://www.rolanddg.com)
  Halifax (http://www.halifax.it)
  Area 51 (http://www.area51.it)
  Gruppo Editoriale infomedia (http://www.infomedia.it)
  Darkage Software (http://www.idealia.net/darkage)
  Calamai Tekno