
Omena by Hedwund

> omena --- code by tmb
> a 256b intro for www.256b.com xmas compo 2001!

coded in 3 hours, was ~240 bytes, added palette, 254 bytes,
enchanged palette rout, 258 bytes, optimized main rout + sine
table gen (leaves fpu unclean...), 254 bytes, added some more
palette stuff, 258 bytes, made the sine gen get the scale value
from an "add bp,100h"... 256 bytes. pretty cool for the time
and effort I think. notice the cool antialias. ;)

no source this time, anybody should be clever enough to disasm
256 bytes of code, at least if you can do some 256b stuff ;)

- [email protected] aka. kometbomb on ircnet